AHH!!! I must now humble myself...

Well, sorry to disappoint all you Vista fans out there, but after getting my GPU drivers working correctly, everything is really much better, and WoW is running amazing better than it did on Vista...
So... of course XP loads faster. It isn't a Black hole for your computer's resources to fall into.

Why Microshaft wanted Winblows Vista to use so much memory to make it look "purdy" is a question I'd like to have answered. I have turned a good amount of the features that make Vista run so slowly off to help my laptop.

But other than the utter nonexistence of any sort of performance it allows my laptop to exude (I am getting more RAM to alleviate that problem... we shall see), I am pretty pleased with it.

On another note, I think Microsoft's products are a tad bit over priced...

Back on topic, did you try to look in the recovery CD that came with your computer for the drivers (assuming one came with the laptop). Whenever I needed a driver for one of my computers I would right-click and explore the CD, and look for the corresponding folder for the driver I need. (Ati for ATI drivers, Nvidia for nvidia, VIA for VIA chipset drivers etc...)

Also, did you try the manufacturer's website for support drivers? You did not mention doing those two things, so I'm assuming you didn't.
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he mentioned they are sending him the CDs that werent in the box to begin with so I guess the disks were missing:P and if they were there they would be the vista drivers not XP probably
Missed that bit of information...

You never know what data that put on those things and it would be worth a shot.
My lappy does meet these requirements...but...I don't know, contacted HP, and they said I should just stick with Vista...but whatever...I have to wait a few days for them to send me my discs that wasn't already with the PC in the first place before I can game on it... :(
