Advice needed?


New Member
So I've been away from the game for about 3 or 4 months due to some hectic family stuff and just no time to invest, compiled with a little burn out after having played around 500 hours before. But it seems like I'm really excited to play the new expansion and I've been playing a bit lately to try and refresh myself about my characters. But here is my problem, any advice would be helpful.

Having been away so long do you think it would be beneficial to just start fresh, get rid of the characters I had back then and make new ones? Or should I stick it out and suck for a while until I get the hang of the characters I already made?

Towards the end of my gaming before I didn't really play my characters, I got quests run for me, paid to get help through missions and just sailed through to level 20. Leaving my expertise somewhat lacking to begin with, making it more difficult to get the hang of it now after such an absence.

My hubby says it would be tragic to get rid of all that experience and time played on those characters to delete them, but I'm tending to believe with the new expansion it would be a good time to start over. What do you guys think?

(PS. Do you think I could get an invite back into SOE? I kinda got kicked for being inactive. )
i would keep 1 main..... the rest is up to u
I would keep what you have IMO. If you need a refresher just take henchies and go outside anywhere and start annihalating the baddies. It will all come back to you. If you buy the Factions game that comes out on April 28th you will get two extra character slots anyway. Just my 2 cents worth.
Glad to hear you are coming back! Will Mister_Slice be joining you too?

I would say keep what you have to avoid the additional grind. It will just take a little practice to re-acclimate yourself to the character and skills.

As for a re-invite, we can definately do that. I see that you have accepted the invitation to Spirit of Elisha [ToJ]. Part of the expansion is the addition of alliances. They will also add an alliance chat. The most inactive person at the moment has not logged in in about 1 month, so that is not long as inactive. We may need to consider a split to the Spirit of Elisha soon if our growth trend continues. Just whisper Pastori, one2dredd, halonic, kidan or myself in-game to get re-invited though.
Having been until recently the self-proclaimed MASTER OF PRESEARING, I have started over more than just about anyone. having played the game since it came out practically, I've just now maintained a character long enough to reach the desert. Which as far as I can tell is where the game actually gets fun.

On that note I would caution you to be extremely careful in killing your characters. If you do, just do it one at a time, and keep whatever character is the furthest advanced so that you have something up there.

And if you buy factions, and merge it with your account, you'll get two new character slots, and your ascended characters can play on the new territory.

GimmeStarbucks said:
So I've been away from the game for about 3 or 4 months due to some hectic family stuff and just no time to invest, compiled with a little burn out after having played around 500 hours before. But it seems like I'm really excited to play the new expansion and I've been playing a bit lately to try and refresh myself about my characters. But here is my problem, any advice would be helpful.

Having been away so long do you think it would be beneficial to just start fresh, get rid of the characters I had back then and make new ones? Or should I stick it out and suck for a while until I get the hang of the characters I already made?

Towards the end of my gaming before I didn't really play my characters, I got quests run for me, paid to get help through missions and just sailed through to level 20. Leaving my expertise somewhat lacking to begin with, making it more difficult to get the hang of it now after such an absence.

My hubby says it would be tragic to get rid of all that experience and time played on those characters to delete them, but I'm tending to believe with the new expansion it would be a good time to start over. What do you guys think?

(PS. Do you think I could get an invite back into SOE? I kinda got kicked for being inactive. )
I think me and Angela are going to start new characters for the expansion (you get two new slots). We will use these characters to go through the expansion in the proper way.
We will give our new characters some money (for armor) but we will otherwise use them much like we did when starting Guild Wars.

Keep your old characters atleast until you use your two new slots. You may find you need them later for something. Delete them when you run out of slots.

Good Luck;)
Don't delete them all!

GimmeStarbucks said:
Having been away so long do you think it would be beneficial to just start fresh, get rid of the characters I had back then and make new ones? Or should I stick it out and suck for a while until I get the hang of the characters I already made?
Keep at least one character, preferably a level 20 that has completed the game. Then you can always participate in guild events if you choose. If you really, really want to start over, only delete one character. I'd probably delete the lowest level one, unless I was especially attached to it. Alternately, you could delete one of the two who have deleted the game, since the lower two will still have quests and missions.

Either way, strip any character's gear/stuff/money and salvage their armor (and any customized weapons) before you delete it! I have a friend who let me play on her account when I visited. When I got my own copy about a month later, I told them to just do whatever they wanted with the character. Her hubby deleted it...with the black and silver dye still in her inventory! Big oops...his wife was not amused. :o
Oh, and welcome! I'm always thrilled to see another woman on the forums. Protector Keladry (Mrs. Rho), Whispurr, and Squeaker rarely post!
MaidMirawyn said:
Oh, and welcome! I'm always thrilled to see another woman on the forums. Protector Keladry (Mrs. Rho), Whispurr, and Squeaker rarely post!

I always tell Teresa that she's not being anywhere near as 1337 as she could be by not coming here, but she doesn't listen.
MaidMirawyn said:
Oh, and welcome! I'm always thrilled to see another woman on the forums. Protector Keladry (Mrs. Rho), Whispurr, and Squeaker rarely post!

Squeeker would post more but she works about 10000000000000000000000000000000000000 hours a week. :(