

on to something new...
Well clannies I've turned most of the little gaming attention I have to GW!!! :D

I'm hoping to take my smiting monk (Heal Yo Ouchies) all the way to the end... of course I've got to change, I'm not sure how to do that... oh well. :D hehehehe

ANYWAYS(!), can you guys give me an idea when you all are on? I'd love to run with you all, and see how far I can get this guy.

He's 17th level right now, and thanks to Pie got me a pretty cool weapon. :D Also his stats aren't too shabby either. He's good in a fight.

Love ya'll and ttyl.
I will be on at some point Saturday during the day and then Saturday evening after 8:30-ish (depends on how long Dragonfly takes to consume her last bottle :) )

I'll be on... When I get on. :p Though just check your guild window (the g key) I check it whenever I am on. :D

I'll also be in TS for some of my gaming time. I'll see what I can do to pinpoint an online time.
Same as pie but if you know what time your going to be on let me know and i will be more then willing to help ;)
Ok, I'll look to get on some Sunday evening... IF(!) all of my homework suddenly finishes itself. hehehehehehehe

Nah I'll have my h/w done by Sunday afternoon so I should be able to hop on that evening. It would probably be 9pm EST, and I'll poke around until about 10 or 11. :D

Love ya's!
Ok, I'm going to try this again, this weekend.... BUT!!! I am off Friday (the anniversary), and Saturday so I may have some game time in the late evening (East Coast time).

I'd love to have help Ascending this Monk of mine. Had an alliance buddy give me an awesome Healing template, so I rock on that department now. :D

Pie it would be late for my time frame... probably like 8 or 9 your time if that helps you. :)
Ok, I'll look to get on some Sunday evening... IF(!) all of my homework suddenly finishes itself. hehehehehehehe

Nah I'll have my h/w done by Sunday afternoon so I should be able to hop on that evening. It would probably be 9pm EST, and I'll poke around until about 10 or 11. :D

Love ya's!
I need to finish my elementalist as well so i'll be there with ya pastor..i'll try to get gen too..:)
I'm not certain if I can get on, but I'll could definitely try to be there (and 8.9 Pie's time is what, 10/11 CST?)
Yay!!! Got my Monk ascended. :D

I'm in the dwarf mountians now... still plugging away at the old game. We'll see how far I can get on this baby. :D

Yep you read it... ring of fire.... I'm there, and I've gotten my hindy-end beaten 4 times on the first 4 attempts to beat that mission. :D

Oh well. I'll plug away more @ it this weekend and we'll see what happens. :)