New Member
Greeting all!
The admins have set up a new e-mail account which you may send demos and condumps to. This means that you will get more admins reviewing your reports, and getting faster results.
The new e-mail address to contact the admins is:
There are a few things to keep in mind before you send the admins an e-mail:
1) Do NOT use the e-mail system to report a problem going on in the server at the time. Contact an individual admin for that. If there is no admin present, and you can’t find one via Instant Messenger (for a list of the admin’s contact info, please see the roster) then record a demo/condump and send it to the address.
2) Do NOT rant. In other words don’t say "The server is slow tonight". Tell us what exactly was wrong. Was there packet loss? Were there ping spikes? What time did this happen? No specific information provided equals no admin action.
3) You may SUGGEST changes to the server (You should add X map because....), but if we consider it a flame or rant, it will be disregarded.
4) If you think a player is hacking, record a demo and send it to the admin address, explain why you think the player is hacking, and also include their SteamID so we can take action. We will review the demo and get back to you.
If you have any questions, please post them here.
The admins have set up a new e-mail account which you may send demos and condumps to. This means that you will get more admins reviewing your reports, and getting faster results.
The new e-mail address to contact the admins is:
There are a few things to keep in mind before you send the admins an e-mail:
1) Do NOT use the e-mail system to report a problem going on in the server at the time. Contact an individual admin for that. If there is no admin present, and you can’t find one via Instant Messenger (for a list of the admin’s contact info, please see the roster) then record a demo/condump and send it to the address.
2) Do NOT rant. In other words don’t say "The server is slow tonight". Tell us what exactly was wrong. Was there packet loss? Were there ping spikes? What time did this happen? No specific information provided equals no admin action.
3) You may SUGGEST changes to the server (You should add X map because....), but if we consider it a flame or rant, it will be disregarded.
4) If you think a player is hacking, record a demo and send it to the admin address, explain why you think the player is hacking, and also include their SteamID so we can take action. We will review the demo and get back to you.
If you have any questions, please post them here.