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Member, Dreamcast Fishing Guru
From reading all the high end players views and chatting with a few of my X-guildies, i doubt i will be buying WoW if it continues on with the way it has been going.

It seems like the last 3-5 patches has been everything the CB'ers and community was asking for, Characters are being totally screwed up. They are making major changings two weeks before "gold" is suppose to happen. over all i am disappointed with blizzard. I am sure if i was able to log in to my account i would feel the same way after 10 mins of playing. The game started out as something fun, and was not going to be a hudge time sink or anything. now if want to play any character past lvl 1 i will have to invest hundreds of hours in farming just so i can keep reagants/durability up. Yeah there are some good things about the same, but its all the extra mumbo jumbo that has put it over for me not wanting to play the game. IF i was to get into any MMORPG, i think it would be DoAC, which is how WoW was looking (but better) 6 patches ago, a really fun, and awesome game. Now it just looks like crap to me.

What are your guys thoughts? i know Exo, and Bowser were both Closed testers with me (exo on my account)

*only nice thing if they dont wipe is that i can keep my account with out having to buy the game 0_o ^_^
I can tell you honestly that DAOC was a much bigger grind game then world of warcraft. Getting to level sixty in world of warcraft takes somewhere between five and twenty days worth of play time depending if you rush through or do other things such as pvp. When I played DAOC I made it to level fourty-one in about nineteen days of play time almost exclusively leveling.

They have added a few things this patch that I am a little annoyed at but nothing game breaking and things are likely to change with forthcoming patches. The durability isn't as big of a problem as you make it out to be neither are the regents. I'm playing a level 36  warrior that when every item is broken on him and every item he has in his inventory is completely broken it costs a little over one gold to fix. Now keep in mind it takes many many hours to break your items at the higher levels.

As far as regents go these don't even take effect on your spells till high level and these may need a little bit of work to get the pricing correct. At level 50 my mage needs to buy arcane dust to cast Arcane Intellect lvl 5 or 6 and that adds 22 int to my character for half an hour, arcane dust can be bought for seven silver. Lets add this up if I play for 24 hours at 14 silver an hour thats a little over 3 gold for twenty-four hours of play time. The only time I see this being a problem is casting it on party members and I already suggested making it only cost one arcane dust for a hole group or only making you pay for self-buffs.

The characters haven't drasticly been changed except for the paladin and they needed it. Almost every other character received some kind of buff or new spell that was very helpful.

In the end I think the only thing that matters if you are truely having fun with a game... and I am having a huge amount of fun playing world of warcraft.
As a DAoC'r here, I feel I can speak to this a little.

DAoC is a huge grind to get to level 50. However, now with the many changes to get RvR you can actually have some other things to do inside the grind. It has drastically reduced the time it takes to level to 50. Which when you reach 50 is when the game really begins. Camm can level up a 50 in about 30 or 40 days maybe a little faster now. I am not that fast, but don't play that much.

I have no experience with WoW. But, i have not really seen the depth in this game that DAoC has. I have been with Camelot for two years now. Only Age of Empires has kept my attention that long and it had like 6 expansions compared to two for DAoC.

A small note on reagents, UO has those and i think it is horrible. Messes up the economy in a major way, small folks and big folks need reagents and getting the cost and spawn rate right it not easy.

It is my hope the WoW is a deep, fast paced and fun envioremnt. But, this is blizzards first shot so i am keeping my expectations very low.....
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Icthus @ Nov. 11 2004,12:07)]But, this is blizzards first shot so i am keeping my expectations very low.....
And because of that, I think you will be thoroughly impressed.  

This is Blizzard's first MMORPG, but I think that's why they're doing such a good job with WoW.  They have big competition, and that's why they have to do it right.  Some people think it's the other way around, that they might fail because they've never made one; but I think it gives them a reason to excel, and they also pay a great deal of attention to the game when other companys might not pay quite as much.

I have over 15 characters of different classes, races, factions, and even on different servers (ie: pvp and normal); and I am continually impressed at all that Blizzard has done.
The screenshots do not do it a bit of justice, and from reading articles you can only get a small glimpse of what this game is like.  You have to play it to believe it, there's just no other way.
Also, I'm only in the beta, and because of that there is no telling what they have in store for us story-wise; I just can't wait to see it, and to play the game at release.  Also, being a part of a community like this just makes it so much more fun.  
What can I say; I'm excited!
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Which when you reach 50 is when the game really begins.

This really irks me about games today. My friend tried to talk me into playing Lineage 2, he explained I would have to sink thousands of hours into boring and repetative grinding to reach the maximum level... and then the fun would start!

I feel a game should be fun within the first hour of gameplay and keep that level of fun until the end or it's more then likely not worth playing. Thats the main reason I quit DAOC because at level 41 I realized it was no longer a fun game, every time I logged into the game it felt like I was going to work, I dreaded acctually turning the game on. Now keep in mind this was before any of the expansions and much may have changed but thats just my opinion.

Wow is the complete opposite it has a pretty constant level of fun the entire way through always giving you lots of options and distractions and alternatives to try out at any time. It is also much faster paced then most mmorpg out there and seems a bit easier to get into too.
Also, exploring in WoW is incredibly fun, and each area has its own really cool graphical element.

Before I get into that though, the areas are dramatically different, as are the cities. I saw screenshots of Lineage 2 and all the cities were practically the same, just that buildings would be moved around some. Also, Lineage 2 is empty, but WoW makes you feel as if the NPCs actually live in the world, and it really helps make the game come alive.

Anyway, back to the graphical 'surprises'. In Felwood, you can actually see leaves of trees falling to the ground. Seeing this completely blew me away. In Dun Morogh you can not only see your footprints, but also you see your breath in the cold, and on top of that, your feet will actually kick up snow as you walk. This, too, really impressed me. In Duskwood there are spider webs in the trees, and they will sway in the wind as you walk underneath them - very creepy. Also in Duskwood, there are little pairs of yellow 'eyes' in the bushes. They don't really serve any purpose other than of course to unnerve you.
It looks like they heard your complaints and many other people and acctually listened. A patch should be comming in the near future.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]
- Players will only receive a 25% durability loss instead of 100% when using a Spirit Healer to resurrect

- Players will now only incur a maximum 10 minutes of resurrection sickness instead of 30 minutes when using a Spirit Healer to resurrect

- Some key buff spells will have their reagent requirements removed

We are hoping to get the next patch out early next week.
I have played daoc since its original release about 3 years ago now and I can relate to the long level grind. It was only 1 of the things that led to me losing interest in the game. Mythic has tried to compete with newly released mmorpgs through their expansions, but in my opinion each expansion, although offering what seemed new and exciting things, ruined the game more and more. People would come back long enough to try the expansion then leave. Each expansion seemed to make things more and more group dependant (trials of atlantis for example) yet everyone became so spread out that groups became impossible to get. Classes stayed unbalanced and sometimes got worse through the expansions. Eventually it got to the point of soloing the same stuff over and over again or waiting around hoping a raid would form to do something. Sure we will have to pay to upkeep our items and spells in wow but do you realize in daoc you also have to pay gold each time you die to restore your constitution (hit points and ability to take hits) on top of the the incredible downtime waiting for rez sickness to pass.Also armor degrades from use in daoc and needs repair though not as fast as in wow.

I have only beta tested wow a couple days so far but i can say i see a huge difference. Downtime? what downtime. and there are so many things to do i cant decide what to do first. The graphics, although cartoonish a bit are beautiful and lively. The world doesnt seem cut and paste..it feels alive. And has been really designed to encourage people to live their characters in the game...great for rpers (The one thing i sorely missed in daoc) I dont mind some in game consequences or costs. In wow they are nothing compared to in daoc. and wow's death system is actually fun. (don't remember ever having fun being dead before hehe) I could go on and on about this topic but ill end this book now heh. As it stands for me and Blednnyn we will still be moving from Albion to Azeroth and are quite excited about it.