a TB skin test?


Christian Gamers Alliance Amazon Store Manager
Staff member
I have to get one so i can volunteer at a midget day care center that has deaf kids..... and after reading the internet explanation i dont know if i really want to do it.........
atown...midgets...oh no

I think I had that once, I don't think it hurt at all.

yeah ur telling the person who generally faints after getting shots. ive gotten better the last couple blood tests but i still dont liek the idea of someone injecting a fluid under my skin
It's not bad at all. More like a mosquito bite. I've had to get them for working in daycare and schools every two years.
Nothing like a shot at all.

The needle is tiny and it looks more like you are getting a stamp on your arm.

no worries.
Got mine recently to go to school, it is like a mosquito bite, but disinfected. xD
mosquito bites are more painful, IMO. You feel more of the pressure of the fluid under your skin than "pain".

Seriously, don't let something as little as a TB test keep you from doing something like this. I've got to get the 2-step every year as part of my work physical, which is the shot in both arms. It's nothing, really.
i'll be going in to get it done later today but thanks for the posts, helped me put stuff into perspective
What they don't tell you is that it is actually a small computer chip to track you and control you...lol...jk!
no, that insertion they do after the aliens abduct you, but it's quite painful. They just wipe your memory.
yeah it was alot simpler than i thoguth. i still had to sit and wait for 5minutes before my face became un-white but yeah