A Story... By Redeemed

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but passed out in the arms of bannard instead. Which made Goblit very unhappy, so much so that she put on her gigaflux helm and zapped everybody in range. Which caused Bannard and Sassperilla to wake. The sound of the screams and the smell of burning hair and chared skin caused Avesther to come running in from a room down the hall.

"What on Gods green earth is going on in here?" question Avesther.
"I caught these two cuddling up against my wishes." Responded Goblit who still had steam coming up from her helm. Whether it was a risdual smoke from the using of the Gigaflux helm or the steam coming from Goblits ears, nobody knows for sure, and to this day, it is still talked about in some circle.

Just then, a high pitched squeal emitted from a female gnome uncomfortably met everybodies ears. Powderpuff, in a most giddie of moods jumped into the room and started speaking some foreign incantations. All of a sudden, before anybody realized what was going on the room filled with a popping sound and four pillars of smoke as Bannard, Sass, Avesther and Goblit were turned into Sheep.

"Aggro-puff was here" Powder exclaimed in a most joyous fashion and disappeared out the door as fast as she appeared.

At this, Sassperilla awoke and realized it was all a dream. She packed up her stuff and began the long journey to see Proeliator. "Foolish girl," Sass thought to herself, "get up and get going and stop dilly daddling and dreaming." As she was about to leave she let out a long drawn out sigh. But to her suprise, where there should have been a sigh, the baaing of a sheep was heard instead.


Eeks, I got so carried away, I forgot to follow the rules. Ok, lets pretend that was 5 words.
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