A request


New Member
Hey Knights,

I have a request to make. As many of you know I'm working in full time ministry with college students. I graduated in May 2002 from PennState and since then have been interning with Campus Crusade for Christ at PennState. This year I've been transitioning into full-time staff. As part of this process I'm developing ministry partners who can help support my ministry financially.

If anyone is interested in knowing more about what I do or might be interested in helping out financially, I'd love to get in contact with you. My email is alan.tung@uscm.org if you would like more info.

I hope that you all don't mind my posting this here. I have definitely enjoyed my time fellowshipping with you all and thought it would be cool to share about what I'm doing and see if you would be interested in being involved.

Looking forward to being back in a few days -
God bless,