I don't know DV.
I don't even know why you're here. I don't think you're HERE (in these forums) to get questions answered; if that your true intent, why here on a GAMERS forum - instead on a real Christian debate forum? (not saying this really isn't, but most, if not all, are here because of online games).
I can't prove to you my God is the one true God. He is real to me. When I look at my unborn baby (ultrasound), I ask myself; how can anyone NOT believe there is a designer behind all of this. Yes, I was raised Christian, but everyone has to make up their minds what to follow (if anything) for themselves. I have concluded that there is a God. And I believe the God of Christianity is the one true God because He is an 'ING' God. What I mean by that is that any adjective describing Him, put an ING at the end of it. He is the one and only LIVING God.
I honestly think Christianity left a bitter taste in your mouth. Because God didn't show up on YOUR time ... according to how YOU wanted Him to. Call me crazy, but I believe there is a greater calling on your life than "atheist".
You have one life ... one chance. Not everything in this world requires an answer. I've got a billion of them waiting to ask Jesus once I get to heaven.