A new and improved the person below me part V

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False I think. I did get a request from FJ but it was not for the Xtreme Bowling League.

The person below me is in charge of making someone happy.
False. I can't make anyone anything. That's straight from my Boundries Class :D

The person below me was in San Francisco / Sausalito / Novato this weekend.
And you didn't contact us?!?!?!?!?!?! ehhh false.

The person below me was in San Jose, which happens to be really close to Sf/Sausalito/Novato but who is really counting?
True and/or false, depending on time boundaries.

The person below me is right there RIGHT NOW!!!
Hmm......Icthus, buddy, pal, you forgot the format.......

The person below me KNOWS how to post in this thread to keep it going.

the person below me is looking at storm clouds coming in and wondering what happened to the 80 degreee temps from a few days ago

The person below me is looking at the snow, in the cold, wondering if Global warming will ever really come to their neighborhood.
False, the statistical data is too small to really say we have that significant of a climate change. It could be a normal 1000 year cycle of biblical proportions.

The person below me really doesn't care about that stuff and just wants cheap gas.
What are you talking about????/ YOU have cheap gas!

The person below me thinks its hilarious that we buy our own gas back from the US so we can pay more than them ROFL...not
False. The oil and gas industry is generally crazy and everyone is engaged in questionable (at best) financial decisions.

The person below me is freezing since it's 60 something outside.
False. It was freezing when it was 55. Now it is Sunny and 60!

The person below me is not happy with Nattyg and I.
True, since I am seeing below 30 degrees for the last 2 weeks!

The person below me is a wuss and thanks 50 is cold...hehe...
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