A new and improved the person below me part V

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false but isnt it your company so arent you paying for it yourself anyway?

the person below me wishes they got pizza and wings from their job
True! Although I didn't think that trolling the ToJ forums and wearing "Warhammer Online Rulz" sandwich boards around San Jose counted as a "job" ...

The person below me had their coffee too late this morning and now feels a migraine coming on (oh, for some Latvian relief...).
False, I am too tired for nuts (and don't think about my new avatar Odale)

the person below me is not sure what I just meant.
I wish.....I really do.....

Are you giving away your cat Odale?.....isn't he Peanut?

The person below me wants to adopt Odale's cat Peanut.
She is named peanut, and my mom would kill me for giving her away.

She's my moms 27 pound baby...

The person below me has a larger cat than peanut.
A 27 pound freak out Katz? I am afraid for you safety odale.

The person below me thinks all cats should weigh 27 lbs.
False, you are much greater than you may ever realize.

The person below me has been where Brug is and lived to tell about it.

The person below me bought tickets to Universal Studios and Disneyland this afternoon so they can come play with me and AVesther in June!
False, but my kids would probably enjoy Disneyland.

The person below me wishes they owned more land.
True, while I am only about 6 feet, I've seen this bad boy... Two years ago a BRANCH fell off it that was 6 feet across, and 100 feet long!

The person below me is hungry for sushi right now... mmmm...
Er...false. If I wanted to go fishing, I'm sure I could find cheaper bait.

The person below me is adept at using chopsticks.
True, well like adeptI, I don't know about adeptIII

The person below me is 3/4 of the way through a LONG quest chain and sees the light at the end of the tunnel.
False. My current game does not require quest chains or grinding atm.

The person below me wants to see the General Sherman.


The person below me would rather see the General Abrams.
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