A Message From LilMinihaha


New Member

I can only speculate what went through your minds last night when I left the Guild. Many of you messaged me, asking what happened.

After a night of calming down i believe I can calmly tell everyone exactly what has happened. Though not to the extent that you may all like.

As many of you have read from my post...I am very agressive to the point of dogmatic when it comes to certain things. I lashed out at the Guild concerning the whole "OMG Thread". I just couldn't see why there was a debate, but as Goblit told me concerning my posts in WoW Forums, if you give someone the hint of blood, it's only a matter of time before the wolves come...

Well I've been bleeding for quite a bit...Goblit corrected me telling me that the OMG thread was a discussion not a battle. I was really angry at her for saying that...in my eyes there was only black and white in this dicussion...either you were for it...or against it...and if you tried to constantly "defend it" I was gonna hound you...

With that "pain" still festering somewhat, last night a few unnamed guild members took it upon themselves to, in my mind, make jokes about what Christ did for each of us. I made a comment about it, saying that I felt that it was sacrilegious, but it continued on.

I was shaking down to my central core...I had been ignored...and now by members of a Christian Guild it seemed that mocking Christ was acceptable. I left the guild...plain and simple.

I didn't want to hear an explination...i didn't want to hear "we're sorry for offending you" as I told Amaziah, you didn't hurt me...cause I don't care if you offend me....you mocked MY LORD AND SAVIOR. Now we can argue about OMG till we are blue in the face, but no one is gonna tell me that Making jokes about Christ death is even remotely acceptable.

Now I am sure that the offense has been taken care of...or at least it is my hope that the offense has been taken care of, but I felt somewhat obligated to tell you all even if it wasn't straight forward about why I left.

There are probably questions in your mind as to what was said...if you were online and watched guild chat then you probably know what I was referring to...if you are not sure what was said....don't worry about it...it doesn't need to be repeated.

Now to answer a potential question from each of you...will I come back. Right now...at this point in time....No. I need sometime... I may return to the guild later...

To those that I ignored last night...I am sorry, but I was in no state to speak with anyone...so please don't take it personally...

Now I do wish you all well, and hold no ill towards anyone.
God Bless...

Nevin aka "Lilminihaha"

"Sometimes the hardest decision to make is the one to leave...even if to save face and leave the honor and faith in those you call family intact."
I will post a PM to you when I have my thoughts together.....wolves eh? not exactly the words I used but an interesting analogy of them.
Firstly, I doubt that anyone meant to mock God. We're all on the same side here, after all.

But secondly, assuming that they did mock Him, what detriment is that to the Almighty of the Universe? Nothing we say will ever be able to harm Him in any way, even if said in the vilest manner. Take comfort in the fact that our God is omnipotent and that he reigns over everything, and that nothing that anyone can ever say or do will ever remove even a modicum of His glory.

The OMG thing was meant as an academic discussion, nothing more. Something for us to think about and weigh as a moral issue. Please understand that some topics of discussion are naturally unpleasant but necessary. Consider the fact that many people thought it was OK to say. Now consider that, without the discussion, they probably wouldn't have realized that it offended people. Isn't it better to have them not say it any more, than to have never had the discussion at all?

I am sure that you are missed. I would very much like to see this issue resolved.
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Very well said Kraniac. Lil, i would hope that none of the other Redeemed members would mock the Lord. They are fools if they do.
I still love the guild....I still love you guys....it just what was said really hurt me deep. I look at others and see how close they are to God...and I look at myself and feel so distant to the same God. I hold onto what Jeus did for me as my anchor, but the only truth that He died for ME. and I take comfort in that fact that He is not far from me...but when that anchor is blantantly attacked... I had to leave... if nothing more than to hold fast to what is in my mind the only pipeline I have to God.

I'm sure alot of you think I am a good guy and have a good head on my shoulders...and while I have been saved since 1991...I am still very much a babe in Christ... wit that said you can probably understand why i did what i did and I "fight" so much.

Plan and simple...and QFT...as much as you all may you to me...I am looking at you just as much...

Aight...I've said my peace for now...I am really on the verge of tears here, because I am really hurtin on the inside. Perhaps my leave was immature...

*Mentally punches <insert guildee name> in the head* Don't do it again... now can I come back and play with you guys? Cause I miss you all very much.
I don't think Gnimish\Alhana or Goblit would have a problem reinviting you Lilminihaha, if you can catch them online.
Lilminihaha said:
I still love the guild....I still love you guys....it just what was said really hurt me deep. I look at others and see how close they are to God...and I look at myself and feel so distant to the same God. I hold onto what Jeus did for me as my anchor, but the only truth that He died for ME. and I take comfort in that fact that He is not far from me...but when that anchor is blantantly attacked... I had to leave... if nothing more than to hold fast to what is in my mind the only pipeline I have to God.

I'm sure alot of you think I am a good guy and have a good head on my shoulders...and while I have been saved since 1991...I am still very much a babe in Christ... wit that said you can probably understand why i did what i did and I "fight" so much.

Plan and simple...and QFT...as much as you all may you to me...I am looking at you just as much...

Aight...I've said my peace for now...I am really on the verge of tears here, because I am really hurtin on the inside. Perhaps my leave was immature...

*Mentally punches <insert guildee name> in the head* Don't do it again... now can I come back and play with you guys? Cause I miss you all very much.

You're a good person, you better be back :)

If people are being offensive, the best is to let them know...if they keep doing it, talk to one of the officers (ss just so u have proof). You can also always put them on ignore.