A little Rogue lovin


New Member
Question for the Rogues out there, especially the ones that have been in TBC. How does this build look for leveling there? The reason I went this route was to stun lock and do some damage.
Something else for the TBC testers. How are the instances? Basically what is the make up, mostly humanoids or other types? One thing I have read was that the build should be more damage and interrupts then stealth and saps.
I'm not proficient with the rogue class, but just wanted to comment in general. Shadowstep looks almost to good to pass up, atleast while leveling and for pvp. With rogues now able to 100% return to stealth after using sap (I think it was only 90% before), using Shadowstep to sap is awesome. Why? Because it has a 20 yard range. To be 20 yards away from the target and within one click be in a rogues favorite spot, behind the target, just seems cool.

Personally, I'll hate it as a mage, but the talent is great for the class.
http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info...253550100050150220010005002000000000000000000 is the build I decided to try as a sword/combat rogue.

I know I am the only one who likes Riposte, but I still like it and I still use it in PvE and PvP. I picked up imp Sap for instance runs/cc of trash mobs in BC. I also picked up improved SnD for boss fights. The one talent I thought about for a while was blade twisting - an 8 second stun sounds nice. I will have to test it out and find how useful it is.
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