A few grind projects of mine


New Member

I have a couple PVE projects that might be nice to get a group for.

1) Bloodsail admiral title - Earn Friendly with Bloodsail Buccaneers by farming Booty Bay bruisers, then killing 2 npcs after achieving reputation. NOTE: Unless you spend another chunk of time rebuilding the reputation, all Steamwheedle cartel cities (booty bay, ratchet, tanaris) in pre-BC territory will be hostile to you. I personally don't care too much, but if this is a concern please keep it in mind.

2) Revered with Wyrmcrest Accord - This one is probably pretty simple (I'm already friendly just from doing a few quests), but if anyone knows what mobs I can grind or what's the easiest way to do it, please let me know. I need that reputation for some tank gear.

3) 25 Champion's Seals - I can't stand the look of the other 2handed swords in the bracket, so I want the purple-y chunk 2hand sword that costs 25 champion's seals. I think the best way is just to do dailies for a little over a week, but I need help figuring out how to gain access to these dailies.

I'm only level 73 atm, but I'm planning ahead and was wondering if anyone else wanted to do this with me.
Wyrmrest...if you are friendly you can get the tabard and wear it in instances to get rep easy peasy.
I'd be willing to help with Wyrmcrest reputation - as Ozi could probably benefit from having some tank gear as well.

Having the Bloodsail name would be hilarious - I'll help there too XD.
Just remember, as soon as you land in Booty Bay (if you still can, that is) if you didn't regrind your reputation you'll be attacked while the lowbies you might be helping would wonder what the heck's going on.

One question--the bruisers don't give XP, do they?
Your champion's seals, if they are from the Argent Tournament, you have to at least be able to fly, the mobs you fight will be 79's and 80's- in multiples sometimes. If they aren't from Argent Tournament, not sure- but some of the ones I was looking at from the vendors are from seals you get in Ulduar or other end game content.
Wyrmrest...if you are friendly you can get the tabard and wear it in instances to get rep easy peasy.

I just got the tabard. It looks terrible, but which dungeons work for this reputation? Do all of them work?
Oo, turns out the Wyrmrest daily gives a fair bit of rep too. After doing it every day for a few levels I should be at least a good way into honored.

But does anyone know if Booty Bay bruisers give xp? They are pretty tough if I recall from level 60, so we'll need a healer.

And, hopefully you didn't do any of the booty bay quests...otherwise you have a looooot more grinding to do for the bloodsail admiral title.
I can solo 4-5 of the BB bruisers on Theros as Ret, as a DK you can hurt em up to. However they don't give up lightly and will eventually kill you.

Me and my bro-in-law Hooza were laying out some havoc to the Horde in Gadgetzan and the guards there were relentless.
Hold on a second...I was under the impression you could have one title in front of your character and one title behind, like "Lieutenant-Commander Azzie, Hand of Adal" or something like that.

It looks like you can only have one title shown at all times, so I *might* not bother with bloodsail admiral just yet. Once I hit 77 I should get Explorer in a jiffy anyway, so we'll see. I need to study for my tests more, so with my playtime cut I'm going to need to focus on gear rather than titles once I hit 80...
I thought you already graduated...

My tests will not end for quite some time, unfortunately.

Especially in the stupidity of modern society. Back in the day a college degree in the Classics was like, "OOooooo".

Now a college degree of my field is about as significant as graduating from 8th grade. What's worse, college and schooling beyond costs a fortune!! What the heck :mad:
I know that many graduate programs will wait on charging you tuition and other fees until you graduate since these graduates are guaranteed to utilize their skills (for psychology that is). I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same for your field.