the link
Here you go
Just click on the "download" section of the website the instructions are there. You will have to register a account with them as well. Once installed you click on the 9 Dragons icon which will boot up their web page and you log in, then you start the game via a web site button (kind of weird if you ask me). All of which requires you to allow them to load a active X control in your web browser (but I really don't think a big company like Acclaim is going to have anything bad in it).
Tips to start are...
One, starting out look for the ! or ? on the mini map or about npc's heads which indicates a quest you can do or is in progress. (note they have added a new tutorial you can take at the beginning, it gets you some starting stuff and you get to hear a Asian girl try to pronounce "character" in her cute but probably appropriate for the game accent
Two, once you join a clan you CANNOT change so make sure you pick the one you want, however, you will have several levels before you even get the option to join one.
Three, white and black clans are on separate maps almost all of the time and hostile towards each other (I'd imagine most of the Christian players will be in "White" clans) so choose accordingly. To heroband you must be even more specific and be in the same clan.
Four, don't worry too much about stat placement till you join a clan as you may re-distribute them twice (but only twice and at certain times) during the game. Really though you won't have magic skills till after you join a clan so there is no point to putting stats in wis or ess.
Five, some buffs can be leveled afk if you time how long it takes for your mp to run out and simply press the meditate button before it does. You may have to weight down a key depending on which buff you are leveling too. Releasing and weighting it down again after every meditate.
As far as classes go Wu-tang warriors seem to be the most popular clan and class so you may want to pick something else (I could not resist a sword though
) In addition each class has a different costly stat which costs a point more to level up than the others. Stats are strength, constitution, essence, dexterity and wisdom. I have only played a warrior but in general...
Warriors = Frontline guy tank etc. Every other class basically uses gloves or bracers as their weapons.
Mage = Has magical distance attacks but physically weak.
Hybrid = Has a little of everything but nothing really powerful. Supposed to be best loner build, IDK. They also have a couple of buffs that stack with the healer's buffs.
Healers = If you like helping people (really buffers in this game) are always needed but can't do much else. I found out the hard way healers don't function like healers in others games as they cannot continually heal someone. However in the few parties I was in people were always asking for buffs or heals so you will be a popular guy. Supposed to be tough to level though.
The web site forums have most of the answers you will need. These links may help you starting out.
My likes about the game are...
it's free
you can actually save people in this game if they are dying (you don't have to be a healer just double click on anyone you see dying to help them out
a larger multi server set up (like GW) as opposed to many singles servers (like Silkroad) but this may change.
My dislikes about the game...
It is a grind game (if you don't know what that means you will find out soon
some objectable content (it will get much worse if they put in a global chat)
virtually a Silkroad clone
The game is still in beta so it could become better or worse by the time they finish it. I'd just play Guild Wars but I really dislike instances (I really like coming along and saving someone
). Anyway I myself have not decided if I like the game or not but it's free so you waste nothing but time trying it out...ahem
This site has a lot of these little life eaters listed. While I don't expect amazing things from any free game it gets me how little originality any of these free games (or paid really) have. I'd guess everybody is unwilling to risk their money in a new and untested game idea.