
Tribe of Judah Aion Chapter Leader
I saw 300 the action was very good on the bad side there was nudity and a decent amount of it. I liked it and at the same time was disappointed.
I saw 300 the action was very good on the bad side there was nudity and a decent amount of it. I liked it and at the same time was disappointed.

The only nudity I remember is the Oracle. The woman with Xerxes had at least a little bit of something covering their bits and pieces.
I didn't see it specifically because of the nudity. I really would like to see it, but I'll wait until I can get a "blurred" copy that only zaps out the nudity, but not all the blood and gore.

[Edited by SirThom]
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The moderator in me had to edit your above post, tjguitarz. As a result, I deleted the two posts following it because they didn't make sense after the edit. :P
i wanted to see it, but didt hear reviews about it till i found out there was nudity and a sex scene and i was like... blah.... BRAVEHEART FTW
i wanted to see it, but didt hear reviews about it till i found out there was nudity and a sex scene and i was like... blah.... BRAVEHEART FTW

There's a sex scene in Braveheart dude. I also love how people so casually brush off the violence but can't handle the nudity.
I have to agree with Phantom...God created the human body and, morally speaking, that's certainly more Creator-endorsed than violence. (Not that I'm a pacifist, violence has its place, but God calls His naked creation "very good.") We've gotta lose this childish perception of nakedness = automatic lust/sin.
I have to agree with Phantom...God created the human body and, morally speaking, that's certainly more Creator-endorsed than violence. (Not that I'm a pacifist, violence has its place, but God calls His naked creation "very good.") We've gotta lose this childish perception of nakedness = automatic lust/sin.

Thank God someone agrees with me.
Hehe...I know what you mean. I've taken a lot of flack for not taking the party line on a lot of things. :)

That said, I do hope to see this movie at some point...we'll see if the busy college schedule allows it.
I have to agree with Phantom...God created the human body and, morally speaking, that's certainly more Creator-endorsed than violence. (Not that I'm a pacifist, violence has its place, but God calls His naked creation "very good.") We've gotta lose this childish perception of nakedness = automatic lust/sin.

Not to rock the boat, but for many of us, the devil has corrupted our eyes and our minds to the point where nakedness does often mean automatic lust or sin. For those of us who have fallen into this trap, we need to be very cautious about viewing nakedness.

That being said, I agree with David that we have to lose the perception that everything sensual is by definition sinful. God invented certain things to be sensual and that was good.
I agree with Neirai except I would change it from most to all.
But I do have to point out that not all lust is wrong either. Only when you're lusting after someone who is not your wife, is it wrong.
I agree with Neirai except I would change it from most to all.
But I do have to point out that not all lust is wrong either. Only when you're lusting after someone who is not your wife, is it wrong.

When I see a naked woman in a movie I don't lust after her, so don't speak for everyone when you say it goes for everyone. I have a girlfriend, and haven't looked at another girl sideways since we've been together.
Lust is the desire to have sex with someone. The only person you should have that desire about is your husband or wife.
There are very few, if any, emotions/actions that are sins if used as God intended them to be. Most of them are just abused and that is what makes it a sin, not the emotion/action in of itself.