30 day spiritual journey



I have an idea for a way to get me (and anyone else interested) to read the bible. I'm going to try to read the new testament in 30 days. I was just wondering if anyone wanted to join in with me. I think this is a great way for us to grow! I will split it up and mark what to read everyday. If anyone wants to join, just reply and lets all set a date to start. Then i will post the dates and what to read everyday, and we will be able to discuss what we read. I just wanted to throw up the idea because I probably won't do as well alone and probably get way to behind if there is no set time! :p  If you think this is a good idea and want to join just tell me!
Sure I am willing to try as long as we get the "what to read on what day" early because I am going to have a busy summer.
These things always make me sigh. While it's certainly a great thing and a necessary thing to study the bible, racing to finish the old testament, new testament, or whole bible is missing the point...so many spiritual truths are being missed that could be found if you took the time to study only a few verses a day rather than a few chapters....

All i'm trying to do is try to make a set time for me to read because if i don't then i'll end up not reading anything. I'm not trying to race to get finished with it, i'm just trying to help myself by setting a time. If it's not on my calendar then i end up putting it off. This also helps me put more time aside from a busy schedule. It doesn't mean that after i finish then it's over with. I just want to get the whole picture first, then i will get in greater detail later. I'm 18 and moving out after this summer and just trying to make good habits. I know it's harder to turn away from God while reading the bible everyday.
Is it still going to be in 30 days? I was thinking about it and, correct me if I'm wrong but that would mean reading almost an entire book a day. Maybe you should lengthen the time table.
Reading it so quickly can really take the meaning out of it too, I wouldnt really even consider it too radical to spend a week just meditating on one chapter. There is so much more to each and every verse then you can get just reading though it like you might another book.
Well, then give me your input. It's not like it's set in stone or anything. If you have a good idea then tell me. I just need something that is a set time, not too long and not too short.
Well instead of the New Testiment how about reading My Utmost for His Highest? I am reading through it now and it is an exelent book. and you can get one that has reading dates in it.