One fine day at Lion's Arch, "Oh not this again," he said. "Don't make me bust out my IDS and smite you, cwapface!" The midday sun was burning me, so I started casting sun block, so I could get fire damage resistance against YOUR MOM!
Sun still hurt the penguin standing next to her, so he said. I wasn't convinced that you are a female gamer; they're too intelligent. "No they're not," she replied; "male gamers wouldn't get dates then."
"True that" he said, lamenting social mockery. He then went and bought a new slot, character slot anyway, then created a touch ranger to Poke People to kill them off. He thought it might be wrong to kill others but then decided, "Oh well, I might as well let them live." Then he went to the skill trainer to get "Commit Suicide!," so he could nerf the great Pastori!
Although her plan did not work without her brilliant African hairless dog o.0 named "Queen Zimbabwa!" World domination now rests within the grasp of Doctor Leeto Burrito, the Chuck Swindoll in Pakistani high society! Then Arnold Swartzenagger ate a burrito and screamed "Get out of our chopper! It is not female piloted!" Oh Teh Noes! Becuase male pilots are better drivers than squirrels.
Meanwhile, a squirrel fought a ninja hamster who had just ate a corndog after eating beans and rice and Spiced Furry Midgets and a chinchilla. The tall people were extremely confused by the mass stupidity of the chinchilla and his friend who kept jumping off cliffs that were really low but were still danger to society where men drive. It is safe except when females ignite men's hormones and females are actively igniting hormones!
Manyik excessively believes in the truth. "Hey, Tech's back!!," Tech said, bursting with excitement and total confusion over our crazy story and why jello is so cold, then asked who and what midgets have to do. They simply must!
Then government spies took over WoW but quickly lost all free will to nerf Chinese food because it's so darn good. All they felt was sheer, total, insufferable itchiness when they went to the China Buffet which now serves Mu Shu Pork and fried dumplings, which, oddly enough, some penguins do double post occasionally.
Thinking himself insane, he decided to beat up C$ then pwn vibrokatana, choking on C$'s large muscular fists. He changed into the bathroom to drop a load of soap off.
Inigo Montoya approached until he saw C$'s rippling torso, covered with giant poisonous octopii. He turned and puked as Fozzie Bear that dropped gumdrops summoned the Teletubbies and the Wiggles and Power Rangers and Muppets and even Barney. Barney just hugged while everyone fled. They ran long and hard until they came unto Galrath the evil giant midget, whose breath was flaming out of control.
Then Galrath stood on his head while singing, "Salad dressing, Ho! Gimme peppercorn ranch , yeah yeah yeah...". Amazed by stuipidity he wandered into the World of Warcraft. Realizing his mistake, a strange cave of wild squirrels and gold ettins paid to play. Eventually noone wanted to understand anything and instead became stupid beyond reason mindless flesh-eating zombies with large hammers that said "Its Monty Python's Flying monkey killer thingy which had a MINION COOKIE!
Later, after the spam, everyone slept. After beddy-by time C$ decided to beat himself with a MINION COOKIE but failed to punish himself enough to lose all stuipidity, expecially the guildwars cd's, then he had an oblivious insight about the importance of egoistic incompetence.
Suddenly Troy Aikman walks on the moon with bad gas then the moon exploded on Jerry Jones. With no Relation whatsoever to the u63|\ n006 9\/\/73|\, which translates losely into "BLEEP GLEEBLE!!", aka screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech BLEEEEEEP!!!!
Meanwhile in Gotham City the cabbies WERE EATING MONKEY!!! Unfortunately the monkeys had a terrible case of indigestion which resulted in a new meaning to the word woo, woo, woo.
/crickets chirping quietly
Unable to focus, they all decided that life is too short to beat monkeys senseless. who never asked a monkey that could fly away.
"Monkeys?" He asked the nearest person to YOUR MOM! Your dad replied, to your mom, to your frog, to the parrot, and to George "Go get the…”
We were confused by all the three word posts which made no sense even if the monkeys all had big brains. Now I'm lost because of the random, decidedly silly stupid idiotic comments created by the u63r nu6 m0n|<3y that was like no other before.
Then Halonic created more confusion when he ate a chinchilla with cheese. "Aaaaaaaaaggggggaaaaahhhhh" screamed the chinchilla! "I'm not dead yet! Would you mind not soaking cheese on me, it's very high in transfat, besides, I can't keep my skin clean enough with 40 grit sandpaper that is worn to jagged sharpness.”
That spiteful spirit is really going crazy in downtown droks forge this fall. I wonder if anyone is a pirate let alone a scalawag! It is time to beat them with a parrot’s beak made of Doritos. But then we will beat the game of Mario 64! After playing one handed all night long with two fingers tied behind his right foot for ergonomics. He had a serious cramp! After weeks of silent deliberation, he decided that Mario’s mustache was cute when he sits in a bowl of smashed turnips mixed with grody and a lot of cheesy mashed potatoes with various seasoning. “What a mess we have got." Thankfully the Maid Mirawyn picked up the phone and called her husband to tell him, a figment of her imagination, has finally become a horrendous, ugly reality that could really clean up messes in a simple yet effective manner.
However, everytime it went over a surface it improved the eternal sloppiness. A counterproductive machine using an improbablity-drive that really didn't roll the stone off of the cliff into Ascalon City that had been rebuilt by many addicted players that love Rin and aren't communists.
"ONE HUNDRED POSTS!" he exclaimed as (he) rode out of sanctum cay to that crazy droknars where polka-dotted moose got a hold of the one who had the amazing by golly device that would...