2008 Get to Know the Guildies Thread

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age:14, 15 very very soon
country:New Zealand
characters:Shadowed wolf r/*20 beaten nightfall and done a a few things in rest of campaigns and eotn(not much)vabbi armor ;)
Njina Mongoose a/*20(was a spelling error meant to be ninja)up to 9th factions mission.
Healing Mongoose m/me20 done some factions and explored some prohpecies.
pve goals: to beat factions and eotn mayb prophecies.
PvP goals: to do the HoH thing with guild.:D
Name: Gabriel W.
Age: 22
Location: USA TN
Primary Character: Neon Windforce 20 R/Me
Playtype: PvE


After a 2 year break I'm returning, I was Firewasp on these forums.
I remember I once won one of the cape design contests, fun stuff. I left just a few months after factions was released. I just recently got factions and eye of the north, and will be getting nightfall soon. I'm looking forward to my stay and am amazed by all the helpful changes implemented into the game, especially alliances.

-about me
I'm Gabriel, I love the Lord, I'm a student at a Christian university at the moment, with a major in Telecommunications. I like to create digital art. I listen to Trance/Electronica music. And my favorite color is 'awesome'.

Goals for the game? -"gotta catch em all!"
Name: Rusty Ivey
Age: 37
Other info: Married with one 18 month girl
Home: Euless, TX
In-Game guild: WoX (Way of Cross - small Christian guild)
Position: Guild Leader
PvE/PvP preferences: PvE for now
Characters: I have 8 and play most of them (Proph, Fact, & Night) - Nightfall is easiest & most active so have only lvl 20 (Bon Parra - Paragon/Ele) there - but I guess I like Rusty Cross (lvl 16 W/R), Fiero De Muerto (lvl 13 N/R) from Post-sear Proph the best... Using one of my pre-sear a lot now, Baldred of Gamelyn (13 Ele/R) with the newer Guild members

PvE Goals: Nothing clear cut except trying to give away stuff when I can & build a witness with the lost...

PvP Goals: To actually begin playing PvP
Come on guys. There has to be more than 43 SoE/SOE members! Some people arn't even part of our alliance and they are posting. You dont have to say anything you dont want to, but please post. Lets see if we can get more than 43. Lets go for 60 eh?
I just got in the guild so I guess I should post here.

Name: Omega (I am nervous about showing my real name on public web pages.)
Age: 26
Occupation: Network technology engineer for a federal government contractor company
Home: Florida
In-Game guild: Spirit of Elisha
PvE/PvP preferences: Don't know. I have yet to really dig into PvP. My guess is that I will really like both.
Characters: I am new to Guild Wars and persistent-online RPGs in general so I don't have many. My main character is my Tyrian warrior, Rohan A Omega. After I finish Prophecies, I intend to go through Factions with my assassin, Jing A Omega, and Nightfall with my dervish, Cyril A Omega.

PvE Goals: Short-term: Finish Prophecies and the rest of the campaigns, and help out others when I can. Long-Term: I am thinking about grabbing all of the elite skills (or at least for classes I like to play), and finishing all quests/missions and getting cartographer titles.

PvP Goals: Learn how to play as a melee PvP character effectively, and help our team win impressively.

Games: Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall, and Eye of the North

Other notes: Again, I am still new to Guild Wars, and very new to persistant-online RPGs. (I have really played Prophecies like a single player game so far.) So I ask for your patience as I learn and stumble in becoming a good Guild member.
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Hello everyone!

I used to be a part of Spirit of Elijah! Way, way, back. Like August of '05.

So here's a refresher! I'm 25, very recently married, and enjoying a video job at my church, Vineyard Columbus (home of pastor Rich Nathan).

I have been playing Xbox 360 much more frequently than PC games in the last 1 1/2 years, so my Guild Wars time has diminished to zero hours per week, as opposed to 2 years ago, when it was around 20 hours per week...

I want a reason to come back on and play! What does everyone do when they're on? What's the most fun thing you can do? I feel like I've forgotten everything about Guild Wars!

My characters:

Joeyface Babybird (20 W/Mo)
G O B Bluth (20 E/me)
Bride of Joeyface (20 R/Mo)
Doctor Whiteface (20 N/Me)
Strawberry Colada (20 A/mo)
Holy and Anointed (Monk - man i am not good at monking at all yet)
Lazarus Render (20 D/Mo)
well we just got a new update so there is a lot more variety
im assuming you dont have EotN so there is a whole new campaign for you

Personally I'm doing HoH and high end PvE and grinding for titles now since i've done everything so far.
I just joined SOE yesterday so I thought I put my info up.

Name: Ethan
Age: 26
Occupation: Husband, Student (Moody Bible Institute - Chicago)
Home: Chicago
In-Game guild: Spirit of Elisha
PvE/PvP preferences: I spend most of my time in PvE, but I would love to learn more PvP
Characters: These are my four most active slots


Hito Sama (Rt) - My primary as of late


Splint Sama (Mo) - Most heavily played character (completed all chapters)


Itoku Sama (R) - Primary AB character


Kilt Sama (D) - Primary running character

PvE Goals: I would really like to put together a regular team for running EotN dungeons, there is only so much I can manage with just heroes.

PvP Goals: I would love to learn more about the PvP side of GW. I have only really AB'd, but would love to do some HA and such. If you ever need an extra player, let me know, Im eager to learn. ^_~

Games: Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall, and Eye of the North

Extra Notes: I strongly believe that any game is more fun with other people. So if you are ever see me on, send me a message, Im usually down for just about anything (even if you are just looking for some help).

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Name: Thomas T.
Age: 28
Other info: Married (happily, even!)
Home: Winston Salem, NC
In-Game guild: SoE
PvE/PvP preferences: PvE
Primary Character (Prophecies): Carad Haruun, R/Mo, lvl 9
Own Prophecies & Factions, currently pushing through Prophecies
According to /age, I've currently invested 13 hours in the game over a total of 6 days (w00t for noobs!)
Secondary Character (Factions): Elianna Cortu, Assassin, lvl 3 (is it just me or do you lvl a lot faster in Factions?)

I'm really new to MMO's and still learning much as I go along. I do love RPG's though, Morrowind being the single greatest RPG ever made IMO (Oblivion proved prettier graphics do not make a better game). I also game on my Wii, DS and 360 (when it's not red ringing). IRL I am the Network Administrator for the largest non-profit Christian children's home in NC.

Looking forward to meeting you guys in game!
Name: Nathan
Age: 16
Other info: In school band, play guitar and bass at church
Home: Oregon City, OR
In-Game guild: Hopefully SOE or SoE as soon as my request gets approved
Position: N/A
PvE/PvP preferences: PvE, But I'm sorta new to the game
Primary Character: Death by Fireice (Ele/R)

I like to play guitar, trombone and bass and just have a good time while loving the Lord. I mainly have GW to stay in touch with friends that went to college. I hope to go to Multnomah Biblical College and seminary and get a degree in Youth ministries/Biblical Studies.

BTW: Still waiting for my invite to join the guild.... :)
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Hello everyone. I've just joined the guild and I'd like to introduce myself.

Name: Joel
Age: 21
Other info: I'm a senior at Ohio State University majoring in Aerospace Engineering. I'm looking forward to graduating and getting a real job.
Home: Youngstown, OH
In-Game guild: SOE
PvE/PvP preferences: PvE mostly but I do dabble in PvP a bit
Primary Character: Aylwin Hawken (R/*)

I've played off and on for a little over 3 years and have all the campaigns and EotN. I'm currently working on getting the bonus and masters on all missions in NM. Then I plan to work on HM.

Other than school and work, I rock climb as much as I possibly can and I attend a student run praise and worship service here on campus.
Hey, My real name is Rachael, and my character name for now is Helena Jast. I'm at a little College called C of O where we work for our tuition. So by the time we finish school we have no debt. It's a christian school too which I love. I play GW when I can in between my on-campus job and my off as well as school work, so mostly Sundays. :D My major is Child Development, but I don't know what I'm going to do with it quite yet, God will show me when the time is right. Anyways, I'm looking forward to meeting all of you on GW!!!!
Hello everyone. I've recently joined the guild and I'd like to introduce myself.

Name: Brooks
Age: 37
Other info: Married. Two kids on the way. My wife is pregnant with our son Mark due 3/19 and we are adopting Lucson, a five year old boy from Haiti. No telling when he will get here. We started the process when he was two. I'm also a major dog lover and have two dogs that I adore dearly, Precious and Abbie.
Home: Richmond, VA
In-Game guild: SOE
Position: Member
PvE/PvP preferences: PvE almost exclusively
Primary Character: Spellfire Flamesoul - Elementalist - 1M XP, Tyrian Grandmaster Cartographer, Protector of Tyria, Sunspear Castellan.
Games Owned: All three plus the expansion.

PVE Goals: Working on Elonian Protector and Cartographer and yes I would explore every inch even if there were no title for it. I love the scenic views especially waterfalls and lava flows.

PVP Goals: Be willing to try but someone would have to show me the ropes.
Welcome, Brooks. I think you'll enjoy this guild - I have found the people and the forum very helpful.

I was born in Richmond, VA and my family lives all around there - Gloucester - Tappahannock - Baltimore. I'm going back there in Jamuary for a visit.

Have a merry Christmas.
Hi, I'm Micah my in game main is Ferella Torsch. I pre-ordered GW and have played off and on since the beginning. I live in Milwaukee, WI though I was born and raised in Fort Worth, TX. I work at at&t as a u-verse tech. I'm the Deacon over our technical ministry at Church. I'm married with two kids and another due in July. I'm proud to be a nerd. Now there's a quick wrap up introduction of me :-)
Name: Dave
Age: 25
Other info: Married for 2 1/3 years
I work as a wedding photographer with my wife serving the greater NY metro area. You can visit our website at www.dmstudio.com

Home: Mineola, NY
In-Game guild: SOE
Position: member
PvE/PvP preferences: Both
Primary Character: Quantum Night, N/Me - still leveling to 20

PvE Goals: Don't know what there is to do since I haven't played this game in 3 years.

PvP Goals: Have fun with guildies and PWNing other teams. :D
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