2/11/08 - Al'Ar Best Attempt Video

Thanks all, these are some great ideas, Ug and I have talked about this fight allot and we may be doing this tinight...
Warlocks are more then just DoTs.
The thing is, we have to have DPS on Al'ar. we will not beat the timer if we don't. We need to find that fine balance for redeemed, this is something I expected... truthfully I am so excited (and I just can hide it) that we are where we are today.

FYI: We drop Al'ar we are in the top 20 Raiding Guilds!!
I know you and Ug have been talking, and I'm sure its all for the good. Just offering a differing PoV. As a healer, my interaction is with the raid and not with bosses or adds so sometimes I see things from a different perspective and just offering idea's based on my perspective (which is only half the story because as I said, my interaction is with the raid not bosses or adds).
I know you and Ug have been talking, and I'm sure its all for the good. Just offering a differing PoV. As a healer, my interaction is with the raid and not with bosses or adds so sometimes I see things from a different perspective and just offering idea's based on my perspective (which is only half the story because as I said, my interaction is with the raid not bosses or adds).

Don't get me wrong, I love getting ideas from you guys. I normally only look at the boss the whole time.
warlocks are more than just dots but that is also a lot of their damage. Rogues used to always talk about having to pull off for lava spawns in MC for similar reason, if we could stay on the main guy the whole time and use our combo points more effectively it produced more DPS. I understand the leetest warlocks can probably keep DOTs on the boss as well as dpsing adds too though:)