10 man content


New Member
Hi All:

I would like to see if anyone would be interested in forming another 10 man team to move through the 10 man instances that are available for lvl 80's. I am just about maxed out in epics from running 5 man heroics and turning in emblems of heroism so I am looking to improve my gear and gain some achievements by running 10 man.

I do see some 10 man instances scheduled such as Eye of Eternity but I am not sure if all the spots are taken. I would like to be able to raid regularly every week so I would love to either join or form a dedicated team of raiders. Since I am not familiar with the 10 man runs, it would be very helpful if one of the more experience members could come along side me to assist with this. Also as said earlier, I could join an existing team if any melee dps spots are open.

I have enjoyed this guild immensely and I do so enjoy playing with my fellow guildies. Please let me know if anyone would be interested in this.

Brian :)
Hi Brian,

I think the guild runs a couple of 10 mans every week...not sure if they are full up. The SGA also has numerous 10 mans running each week, check Group Calendar and ask in the SGA channel, as I'm sure there are some runs that aren't scheduled. Another alternative would be to start up a new run yourself, although leading a raid is a lot of work.

As for familiarity with the encounters, check out the bosses on Wowhead.com or Wowwiki.com, they usually have good explanations and even videos of the encounters.
It looks like there are only 2 10 man raiding teams formed up and I am guessing that Team Omega is the second team and is already filled up. At the same time, with the amount of level 80s in the guild, we should easily be able to to form a third 10 man team.

I am willing to help organize and run a new raiding team, I just need to know who would want to be on it. I would like to play with the same people as much as possible to build a camaraderie among the team members and to facilitate the equipping of team members. So can I count on one of your toons as a team member Larry?

I am also willing to help get any level 80 equipped by running them through 5 man heroics if they want to gear up in order to be on the team.

Any thoughts, suggestions, or requests to be on a third raiding team?

Brian, there simply won't be the interest to do a third 10 man. I appreciate what you are doing and I hope I am proven wrong however, as well as I know the guild, we do not have the makings of another 10 man. That being said, start with the basics, tanks and healers.

Unfortunately, I'm already part of a Heroic Naxx group (the run we did yesterday), which runs 3 nights a week. I simply don't have the time to fit in another evening or two of raids.

If you don't mind running with people outside the guild, I encourage you to sign up for some of the raids in Group Calendar, or check around and see if anyone in the SGA is planning on starting up a new 10-man group. You asking around may even spark interest in a new group.
Not very encouraging responses here.

So I guess the option I have here is to try to catch some of the crumbs that fall from the 2 already formed teams. The Group Calendar doesn't help with signing up for raids, at least to me, since the ones that are listed don't show confirmed members. So I end up signing up for a raid that is already filled and so I make time to show up and find there isn't any room. For instance there are three raids schedule for tonight but I have no idea if there is any room for me in any one of those simply because there is not enough information in the Calendar to tell me otherwise. So what seems to be posted in GC are raids that are already filled up in advance. Not much help there.

The good news is I do have an experience tank from the guild willing to help form a third team along with myself. I would prefer to run with an all guild team because I prefer to play with Christians but I will try to recruit members from SGA if I have too. But I would think if we could form an all guild 25 man Naxx run, we could support a third 10 man team. I could be wrong but it seems to me what we have here is too many forgiven members committed to SGA runs at the expense of those guild members who are trying to find a place within a regular raiding schedule. That be me. :)

Help, I have fallen in a crack!

Hi Brian,

Another alternative that I thought of is skipping 10 man raids and trying to find a 25 man raid to fit in. If you have plenty of Heroic drops, Emblem of Heroism gear, and crafted epics, you should do fine in Heroic dungeons. Holypanda, for example, went directly to 25-mans from Heroics.

The guild is running Heroic Naxx every other week, you could look into that. Another option is to try keep coming out to the run you did last night. We run Tue/Thurs/Sun @ 8pm server time. I'm not a leader of that run, so I can't guarantee you a spot, but there's often 2-3 spots that we have to fill in. Sign up for those runs in Group Calendar (Jasmirayle is the person who usually enters in the raid), as invites go out from that list first.

Please try not to get discouraged. I know that finding a group inside the guild can be hard. None of the raids our guild does fit my schedule, so I had to look outside. Even though our guild is large, only 20 or so of us have the desire to commit to the schedule that raiding requires. As Adam pointed out, we couldn't support a third group at this time. It took Apollux over a month to drum up support for a second group within the guild.

If you think your gear is up to it and the schedule works, I encourage you to sign up for Jasmirayle's raids and see if you can secure a regular spot.
I believe I can handle 25 man runs as long as others are there to pick up my slack. ;) I was with you guys last night when Tel felled. I hope to get a regular spot in the guild's Heroic Naxx run with Bob's help. Your team's schedule is fine but Tuesday's run is not showing in GC and I don't know where to go to make my interest in it known.

I know your not a leader but if you can be my advocate there when there are open spots would probably go a long way with the leader(s). I can make sure I am online when the raid is scheduled.

At the very least collecting those emblems of valor will help me with some upgrades. I have 6 already. We should also try to plan VoA 25 raids as well (if they can be scheduled) because that is a very fast raid and it seems to me a quick and decent way to get upgrades, howbeit PVP oriented gear.


The run should be scheduled on GC soon. I will make sure the raid leaders are aware of your interest.
EDIT: Checked out your gear, looks pretty good, you should be fine for H Naxx.

I reread your previous post again, and noticed that I had missed this comment:
it seems to me what we have here is too many forgiven members committed to SGA runs at the expense of those guild members who are trying to find a place within a regular raiding schedule.

I want to make sure you aren't misunderstanding something about The Forgiven, but I am having trouble coming up with a good way to say it without coming across as ungracious. While I think about it, perhaps one of officers could speak to it.
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When we quote someone it is important to quote the entire statement as not to create a misunderstanding of what someone said or wrote:

for instance:

I could be wrong but it seems to me what we have here is too many forgiven members committed to SGA runs at the expense of those guild members who are trying to find a place within a regular raiding schedule.

gives a different impression (at least to me)


it seems to me what we have here is too many forgiven members committed to SGA runs at the expense of those guild members who are trying to find a place within a regular raiding schedule.

I acknowledged I could be wrong in my impression since I obviously don't have the whole picture here and I only re-entered the playing field very recently. So I don't want my comment to be misconstrued and my intent is not to criticize anyone. I have simply observed SGA guild runs since coming back and not any guild only runs. Again I could be wrong there as well so my comment is coming from an observation of only very recent events.

So please be gracious to someone who isn't the best of communicators (and you have!).

LOL...I think the sentence Alan was trying to get across is "The Forgiven is NOT a raiding guild". I've said it many times and will continue to say it. When we invite new members to the guild its one of the first things I tell them...we are NOT a raiding guild. Although we have people who enjoy raiding and make it part of their regular playing schedule, we have an alliance with the SGA to provide our members with access to content and groups that the guild may not have on its own. The Forgiven has never advocated (and will never advocate while Adam and I are in leadership) what their members need to do with their playing time (neither how they need to spec, nor who they need to run with and when).

Brian...I can understand where you are coming from. You leveled to 80 and geared up with the goal of seeing 10 man/ 25 man raid content then life caused you to take a hiatus. You've come back to already formed 10 man groups (one having progressed to clearing Naxx 10 fairly easily and ready to move on). I'm sure it is a bit frustrating to see that their are "closed" groups that you'd love to be a part of...I'd encourage you to have patience. I think you've been back for less than a week and things may not be quite as "closed" as you might first see. In the same way, the runs on GC often run with sign ups not giving you a guaranteed spot, that's the nature of the beast but I think you'll find that once you get on a run a couple of times your toon name will become recognized and it will be easier to get reinvites.

I'd encourage you to talk to Mike (Berstromme) and Bob and see if there are any spots on their established runs. The nature of the guild (and the game) are that people have real life responsibilities that kick in and take time away from them...spring sports, bible studies, small groups, cadet camps what have you..there may be an open spot on a raid (and if you are really committed to only running with in the guild perhaps that might call for you to decide on a respec).

Also, you could try and start up your own raid group. Find a date and time that work for you and see if there is enough interest or availablity from others to make it viable. I know that Adam and I couldn't make either of the guild runs work for our schedule...there are others (like Alan) who also experienced that..but that's life :) See what works for you, post it on the forums, post it in the calendar and see how it comes together. Again, I encourage you to have patience because it may not come together seamlessly..you may have half a guild run and need to fill it in with others. If you've got a tank already you're 20% of the way there.

With regards to your quote...you may have the right impression..that guild members are running in SGA runs to the detriment of guild only runs or at the "expense" of guild members who would also like to run in those raids. Perhaps at it's root is the wrong impression of what the guild offers it's members. I think that I need to restate...The Forgiven is not a raiding guild, AND The Forgiven has never advocated (and will never advocate while Adam and I are in leadership) what their members need to do with their playing time (neither how they need to spec, nor who they need to run with and when). We exist mainly for the fellowship we can provide while playing the game of WoW :)
Thank you, Anita, I was trying not to say just "The Forgiven is NOT a raiding guild", and it was stumping me lol. You put it nicely.

Brian, like I said, I will make the raid aware that you would like to raid with us again, and we'll see what happens.
is there away of us not saying we are not a raidng guild everytime someone wants to start a raid group. To be honest just cause we are not a raiding guild , in a lot of ways we are. Yes we dont make people commint and build the radis around classes and we dont kick people out caus ehtey dont fit. But at the Same time almost every single 80 is raiding and almost everyone in the guild wants to raid. Yes we arent a raiidng guild but we do raid, I dont think we need to keep saying we are not a raiding guild, we all know that.
Brian as for the point of your threat I am in the mist of deciding on wether I am starting a new naxx run, but I am looking for the tanks and heals first that be instrested before I look for the dps.

Also the reason that we dont confirm the people who sign up is becuase someone may sign up then not show most people signed up are usually on standby to be subs, the regs dont usually sign up we just usally know we wil be there. But sometime s we dont make it or totally forget about it. As for the sga runs they only have people on standby in case someone doesnt show thats a reg, all people are standby usally are there as subs.
To be honest just cause we are not a raiding guild , in a lot of ways we are.

I am glad you brought that out. We are not a raiding guild but we raid. I understand what Anita is saying and I agree with her that she doesn't want to run a raiding guild with strict control. At the same time we have a very high level of interest among the level 80s in raiding.

The point I was responding to was that I was told it would be very difficult for me to try to form another raiding team in the guild and yet I see our level 80s raiding all the time with SGA. I think SGA is great for those guilds that don't have enough players to raid with but I am not sure if that is the case with us anymore. What doesn't make sense to me is I am being told I will probably need to go to SGA to find additional raiders because our own members are raiding with SGA. Strange logic there but OK, if that is what it takes then I am ok with that. I just thought it was natural for guild members to want to form raid teams with each other before having to go outside of the guild for those to fill in the gap. Again I am making this observation with a VERY limited perspective so I understand I could be totally off base here.

Shadowshoot is willing to tank on a new or existing raiding team. So if you want to continue to pursue forming another team then please keep him and myself in mind. I am also will to help any level 80 who is looking to get equipped for raiding to run through 5 man heroics.

On a more positive note, I have seen far more group activity with this guild then others I have been a part of and I appreciate that. You guys and gals are some great people to play with and bust on and I am glad some of you appreciate my strange sense of humor.

Thanks Anita for your lengthy and caring reply.

brain so u know hte biggest isuse in gettign 2 tanks and 2 or 3 healersfor a 10 man, and lot of the people runninghte sga runsare either dpsers or they have been running with them for a long time
Seeing as I was the one who made that comment, allow me to respond :) I raid as it fits my schedule, as a result, I find SGA runs allow me to do that. It has nothing to do with the guild, it is near impossible to please everyone. My point is this, if you want to lead a raid, do it but I am simply attempting to set your expectations but as I said, you might surprise me but do not expect others to stop running SGA just to satisfy a need to have another 10 man run.
Brian..I think your impressions are correct but perhaps your interpretations bear tweaking.

1) The SGA allows our members to experience events that they might not otherwise experience due to real life time constraints. I have occasionally pushed supper up by 30 mins or missed a school council meeting because I wanted to meet a set start time but I usually see what's going on when I have the opportunity to play rather than change my time and life to cater to a specific event or time..I believe the same is true of many of our guildies..and IMO it should be REAL LIFE > WOW

2) In playing the game for 4+ years, almost 4 of them in the SGA, I have some long term in game relationships with a bunch of the players. Running events with them is like hanging out with extended guildies..perhaps just with some rougher edges.

3) The Forgiven is meant as a place of fellowship, a safe haven from the greed and drama that goes on in the game. However, the SGA is a means of in-game evangelism where I take the opportunity to support, encourage and pray for people who often don't have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.

The cycle that you are talking about (not having enough to fill a group because guildies are running with SGA so having to go to SGA to fill a group) may occur because of some of those reasons. Because of that, I think your best chance is to post your intentions, a day and start time and see what comes of it. You may find that you find a time slot that works well for others in the guild, or you may find yourself wanting to tweak the day or time slot because of guildies prior commitments.