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  1. P

    Not too many for God

    Praying for you! Praying for peace during this and that God will use the medicine for His Glory and your Dad will come home healed. Remember Jesus is the Chief Physician. Pixel
  2. P


    Thanks for the thoughts. I have the support of the Church leaders, Youth Pastor, Senior pastor and Head of outreach. The are very supportive of this. I did a little research into the Demographics of Gamerz. There were some interesting statistics. 50% of all american's 6 yr and older play...
  3. P


    The Lord had placed it upon my heart to start a Video Game Fellowship at my church in and around October of last year. I thought it was going to be just a place for Christian gamers to get together and fellowship, however, He is growing in my heart before I have even gotten it going. He now...