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  1. J

    God's Name

    Um, I hope your not under the impression that I'm trolling because I ask a legitimate question... :(
  2. J

    God's Name

    I was researching the third commandment when i came upon these articles, , what do you guy think?
  3. J

    Some article concerning MLP

    Its option 1
  4. J

    Some article concerning MLP

    Hello CGA, I was reading some article that someone linked to me concerning my litte pony: fim which read: "The depiction of ponies in this series is un-biblical. According to the Bible (Gen 1:26) man has been given dominion over all beasts (including ponies), and thus the portrayal of these...
  5. J

    Concerning Psalm 11:5

  6. J

    Concerning Psalm 11:5

    Thanks for the advice, if you don't mind me asking, could you post a link to the CGA general archive I can't seem to find them.
  7. J

    Concerning Psalm 11:5

    Hi CGA, I have seen some other Christians use Psalm 11:5 to condemn first person shooters like COD. What is y'all opinion of this and do you think they are taking this passage out of context?
  8. J

    About Psalm 11:5

    Whoops, sorry about that, I'll repost this in the right section.
  9. J

    About Psalm 11:5

    Hi CGA, I have seen some other Christians use Psalm 11:5 to condemn first person shooter like COD. What is y'all opinion of this and do you think they are taking this passage out of context?