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  1. Missional Gaming

    Missional Gaming Updates

    New Post: Interview With Christian Guild Leader
  2. Missional Gaming

    Missional Gaming Updates

    New Post: Witnessing In A Virtual World
  3. Missional Gaming

    Missional Gaming Updates

    New Post: Bringing the Gospel to Secular Guilds (Part 2)
  4. Missional Gaming

    Missional Gaming Updates

    There aren't any pictures in particular that I am looking for. Any screenshots of action, humor, interesting, or unusual content would be much appreciated! Some submissions may not end up being used based on poor resolution or framing, but I would really just love for more people to be a part of...
  5. Missional Gaming

    Missional Gaming Updates

    Hey everyone, want to contribute to future posts? Missional Gaming needs your help! I need more 620x350 in-game screenshots to use for future post pictures! PM me on this forum of email the pictures to! All credit will go to you! Thanks!
  6. Missional Gaming

    Missional Gaming Updates

    Thanks for the encouragement and acceptance! New Post: Bringing the Gospel to Secular Guilds (Part 1)
  7. Missional Gaming

    Missional Gaming Updates

    NEW POST: Responding To Raging
  8. Missional Gaming

    Emotional Responses to Scripture...

    Traditionally Protestants are pretty anti-warm-fuzzy-feelings when it comes to authority. As far as what makes Scripture Scripture I would encourage you to read Scripture Alone by James R. White
  9. Missional Gaming

    Missional Gaming Updates

    NEW POST: Violence in Video Games
  10. Missional Gaming

    Missional Gaming Updates

    Hey all, Foremost, thank you for all the support given of Missional Gaming I've gotten from this forum community. It is truly a blessing to get such a great response from the brothers and sisters here. This thread is intended to keep the CGA community in the know when new posts are released...
  11. Missional Gaming

    LoE Article spotlight

    Thanks everyone for the positive feedback. It is my hope to build that site into a resource for Christian gamers. I really appreciate what you folks are doing and would like to do a feature length post on the guild itself if you're interested. Perhaps doing a Q&A interview format with the...
  12. Missional Gaming

    SovereigntyDDW - New Strategy Game (in development)

    Consider me interested. I sent you an email with an idea, check it out.
  13. Missional Gaming

    LoE Article spotlight

    Hey all, This is Trosper, chief editor of Missional Gaming. In some research for an upcoming post your guild was discovered and became a featured element of the post. The article can be found here. I hope it honors you and your efforts to bring Christ's Kingdom into the digital landscape. I'd...
  14. Missional Gaming

    LoL summoners names...

    My summoner name is Trosper. Hit me up if I'm online and I'd love to play a game with you!
  15. Missional Gaming

    Ways to Improve

    Read lots. Read the Bible, read books about the Bible, read sermons (or podcast them). The more you wash yourself in the words and things of God, the more growth you will see. Think of a tough questions or doubt that has been nagging you and seek to answer it earnestly. You will find yourself...
  16. Missional Gaming

    LoL summoners names...

    My Summoner name is: Trosper
  17. Missional Gaming


    Hello everyone, My name is Zach but you can call me Trosper. I am an avid gamer (specializing in MMOs, RPGs, FPS, and RTS) and have been looking for more Christian gamers to have fellowship with. Right now I am trying out Guild Wars 2 and have been enjoying the experience thus far. The thing...