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  1. Arokel

    What should I do?

    With Cataclysm drawing ever closer I am going to be forced to make a tough decision. I currently play as a blood dps DK but in Cataclysm that option will no longer be available because Blizzard is turning blood into a dedicated tanking tree (boo!). So my preferred options are these: 1 -...
  2. Arokel

    A fresh start

    Go with Flamethrower. I've always liked him best and fire mages are looking to be pretty insane in Cataclysm.
  3. Arokel


    Reign of terror? I thought that was Flame's department.
  4. Arokel

    Get to know your Guildees! =)

    I have actually been with redeemed on and off since early Vanilla Name: Jon Main Character: Arokel Status: single Age: 17 Favorite Class: Death Knight
  5. Arokel

    What is this?

    Well it would appear that scientists have perfected the art of genetic engineering because clearly this is a cross between a gopher and a bear
  6. Arokel

    Your Vote

    You are making a huge mistake Flame. With this photo gnomes everywhere will lose faith in their candidate! Also a flaming gnome in boxers? Just disturbing...