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  1. N

    Who is going to raid tank CAT!?

    Many of yall never got experience the amazing tanking of Sablem and i am sry to say but i will not be on stonemaul in cata i will be on hydraxis in a guild called notorious.
  2. N

    Which healer addon ?

    boooooo no healer addons boooo!!! as u can tell from above i never use healer addons and never will use healer addons cause healing is to easy atm or ICC has just dulled my sense of healing
  3. N

    Ulduar 10 hardmodes

    I would go but ICC has dulled my good raiding skills so i would have to warm up in a icc 10 with no wyrnn buff first or a ruby
  4. N

    This is the main reason why I'd want to quit

    Yeah i usually spam it in whisper to Kyle
  5. N


    wooh!!!! go swifty!!!!
  6. N

    Sablem is back

    Finally after 11 days i got all my gear back and i got a authenticator so hopefully i am not unhackable.:D
  7. N

    My little interface

    Sry i am running i bit low i try to keep it at 1k :D
  8. N

    My little interface

    I got a pretty good interface that i am using now. Wanted to show it to see what y'all think. These pictures are pretty much what it looks like except my buffs are in rows of three so they dont cover up the target of targets debuffs. The debuffs of the target of target are increased in size so...
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    June 1st. GO JUNE!!
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    Hai cakey sry about me killing u in Ulduar and tricking u into redheals :P
  11. N

    Pneuma is...

    <better dps then samboe>
  12. N

    Grats new Activity Coordinators

    gratz cryo and bill rising to power again
  13. N

    The Monumental Return!

    oh thought Lloren was back but i guess u will do wb :D
  14. N

    Needs prayers

    My friend needs lots of prayers. she witnessed her dad die from a heart attack sunday. her parents divorced couple weeks before and now she is living with her mother who didnt let them live there while they were looking for a house
  15. N

    Marrowgar 25man DOWN!

    uh i had my back turned on the 2nd page can we redo that photo??
  16. N

    Tips on getting Raid Ready

    dangit dradow i was doing that the entire time thinking it was wrong DOH
  17. N

    Rogue S8 gear

    wow is meant to be cartoony if it had graphics like aoen and others then it would look weird.
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    oh he doesnt use it that must be why he cant dps! ok samboe u need to use a weapon it gives u stats even tho u arent actually using it
  19. N

    For Our wive's

    woh that guy has my backpack!!!
  20. N

    Grats to Redeemed!

    i healed!!!! most of it!!!