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  1. Indrael

    Pwning your Bummed

    Good... you need to focus the camera next time...
  2. Indrael

    It's Been Fun... However.

    I have given that thought serious consideration. I miss the community, the fellowship and the friendship. I quit the guild in a knee jerk reaction to my daughter telling me i liked spending time in the game more than i liked spending time with her. I felt that if i just stepped away I wouldn't...
  3. Indrael

    It's Been Fun... However.

    Due to circumstances completely within my control I am stepping away from the game. I am a single parent of a rapidly growing 8yr old daughters and she needs me far more that this game does. I look at my total combined playtime of over 80 days and think how much I am going to regret that once...
  4. Indrael

    Im Back....

    Just made the transfer back this morning...woot. Looking forward to running with you guys...
  5. Indrael


    Hello all. was wondering if i could have access to the Redeemed site, i can't log in there, dont know that I ever really tried. Now that I'm going to take a second swing at playing on the server, I would like to be able post and view the forums there. Let me know what i need to do to get in...
  6. Indrael

    New Patch

    Going To Move ..... Again I am, as the title suggests, going to move back to the server. It was a bad idea to leave for an east coast server. I have access to enough locations that i can be productive... Will see you all soon, need to tie up a few things. Bringing my Shami over first...
  7. Indrael

    New Patch

    With the release of the new patch, I have made a char to see if they have address the latancy issues that kept me from playing here. May I rejoin with a smaller toon untill i can figure out if this server is now playable for me?
  8. Indrael

    Team Request

    Hello All Yes I am new to the guild, and still have to suffer through my cool down period, but I was curios about getting into a Kara team, How do I go about doing that?
  9. Indrael

    Possible Transfer?

    Guess I would have to start a new char, the realm is a "normal" realm. was hoping to transfer. Can't transfer from a pvp to a normal can you?
  10. Indrael

    Burning Blade Refugee

    Thakn you Transfer is in progress, hope to be running with you within the next few days
  11. Indrael

    Burning Blade Refugee

    I thank you for your acceptance, I am looking forward to running with you. I know a few other familiar faces are transferring here with me so I wont feel like a total stranger. However, when you are among other believers you are already in the family so it might now be that rough. once again...