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  1. K

    Mordos’ Letter of Resignation

    Mordos, I just have to say THANK YOU for all of your hard work and effort. The time you put in, leadership skills; including knowledge of both your raiders and this silly game, are vast and much appreciated. I am not the brightest bulb in the house. Thanks for helping me shine a bit...
  2. K

    Sunday Afternoon Fishing in STV

    Thanks to all who showed up again and for the first time this week!!! We had 3 full groups and... WOOHOO!! Redeemed angler **Reco** won the prized pole:) Grats Reco, and thanks again to everyone who came out. It was a lot of fun. I think you need about 220 fishing skill to participate...
  3. K

    Sunday Afternoon Fishing in STV

    I would like to send out a HUGE "THANK YOU" to everyone who joined in the pvp fun last Sunday afternoon!! An alliance angler won the prized +35 fishing pole!! Horde almost always win it... I invite all guild anglers and welcome any that enjoy pvp to join us again this Sunday at 2 PM server...
  4. K


    I would like to apologize for causing that wipe last night before the raid was started. At least I assume it was a wipe. I heard that the lady was going to give out a buff and I accidentally started the event, because I thought we all needed to click on her to get the buff. I was not told...