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  1. awnold

    Update to Robs late night naxx run.

    no one reads these boards anyways besides people like rob and rhys telling each other stuff they already know because they are bored at work. haha
  2. awnold


    yea your definitely at a crossroads. you both are christians, thats enough. take yourself to your parents church and ask for marriage councilor. 10 years from now you can have a great marriage, and look back on this as a building process (have friends in this category). or 10 years from now you...
  3. awnold


    yea alans plan saved us big time, but if you can reach all from the direct middle, it might be better, although, graphics wise the middle is a mess with other players on 25. because of this I might still prefer to be off to one side or another depending on what OT you are assigned to. but yea...
  4. awnold


    im sure you already know this but, divorce is an atom bomb of destruction, with both the parents and the child. take it from me my wife walked out when our child was 3, 4 years ago. avoid it at all costs. if the two are believers you can make it (put Jesus 1st). I dont think there is anything...
  5. awnold

    Live Free or Die

    read this and agree, thats why I didnt vote for obama and knew this was coming if he got elected.
  6. awnold

    Looking for more for a late night Naxx run :)

    I know, no one really reads this but.. Robs late night run starting for the week tonight, great way to gear up on naxx loot for peps that have blues/epic mix heroic gear. or for peps that already have full naxx gear /25 man gear that are bored and wana hang out.. (at least half the raid) haha
  7. awnold

    Holy Priest Raid Heals

    not sure if this is useful but. I always have prayer of mending out and jumping around, always have at least 1 tank with renew (glyphed), if not both. I always have at least 1 tank shielded (glyphed). this does 80-90% of the work. after that I flash heal as needed (glyphed). not sure if this...
  8. awnold

    Looking for more for a late night Naxx run :)

    lots of fun last night. 1 spot still open for sure, the off tank spot (SGAed it, and the guy was cool but its still open)
  9. awnold

    Problem with Group Calandar

    make sure everyone is using SGAG under use shared data channel and automatic.
  10. awnold

    Team Omega Naxxramus Roll Call

    i know there is enough dudes, last sunday we had enough just sitting around to run so sean and I posted the even in group calendar. 6:30 sunday. make sure you have the most recent group calendar version and sync 'automatic' with use shared data channel, the channel is SGAG forget about using the...
  11. awnold

    Wrath of the Lich King Preview

    well hurry up on your other char then =). btw healbot mod makes it fun for me
  12. awnold

    Wrath of the Lich King Preview

    you would like 10 man rhys kara runs, trust me on this...
  13. awnold

    made me laugh forever, motlen core console its the trailer.. watch it
  14. awnold

    Expelled the movie

    heard about this on the dobson radio program. im gona see it thanks bud
  15. awnold

    Seriously? A Bard?!?!

    I so wish for a bard, EQ days are coming back -sparrow 69 elf bard
  16. awnold

    Biggest bang for your buck in WOW

    Ok I stumbled on the biggest bang for your buck in WOW. Luke brought his level 12 mage into battlegrounds. LOL everyone is 19, EVERYONE, and twinked to the gills, every enchant or item is level 19, hillarious. So you login to wow, create a new dude, level him to 19, what 2 hours? equip him...
  17. awnold

    Warrior builds?

    warrior own pvp. the fact they are wearing plate and have too many hitpoints make them a target you want to ignore. couple that with intercept/charge -> hamstring, then whatever else -> execute. throw in escape artist (gnome) or pvp trinket and your a menace. I know you want to root/snare them...
  18. awnold

    What do we need more of here?

    all i know we have about 10 tanks lined up to fill our 2 kara tank slots. and healers? we have zero healers lined up.. because so many classes can do dps, we usually can fill dps slots.. again my view is limited to 1 kara run who knows guild wide.
  19. awnold

    What do we need more of here?

    we have 1 billion warriors/tanks
  20. awnold

    Gruul options

    "Friday is Rhys's Kara run" rhys run, right now, is wends, sunday