Search results

  1. Alcorn

    Hello Alcorn from warhammer here

    Was looking over the forums and seen a few familiar names form WAR. I been playing WOW again with my guild Narrow path on thunderhorn, but am kind of getting burn out on ulduar and the other end game goodies, and was thinking of joining you guys for some pvp fun. I never played/leved on a pvp...
  2. Alcorn

    Healers much more needed than tanks end game?

    Am talking mostly PvE here I know they both have there uses PvP. I have almost quit leveling my Eng. Beacause we all Know theres enough Dps running around to kill two cow's ! And I am one of those people that enjoy playing a class thats in demand. I started playing tank again Kotbs ( i had a IB...
  3. Alcorn

    ballistic pots

    Can anyone tell me what Gathering Will give the Best mats for the largest Ballistic Pots. I have scavenging now but I see that will not work with apothecary after 1.2 so looking to switch but cant find the answer if butchering or cult. is better. Would much rather do butch. Because I read you...
  4. Alcorn

    Again why?

    Trying to renew my sub. to get in game but I cant because account management is down for maintenaince. Why would they do that during primtime. They have had all day while most are at work or school.......maybe its so people dont cancel! Hey theres an Idea. Despertae times call for desperate...
  5. Alcorn

    WHY....?Why would they ever?

    Make Iron breakers wear mail skirts instead of the plate Leggings they Deserve! :cool: /Discuss Felt the need to troll :rolleyes:
  6. Alcorn

    How R yea!

    Hello Redeemed! Hope everyone is great.Now that you moved off REM where my faimly Member is That I was playing with I can now join the ranks of Redeemed again :). I let my sub expire about a week ago but am going to renew soon. I know its going to be way over played but am looking...
  7. Alcorn

    Dropping in to say HI!

    Hello Redeemed :D Most if anyone probably wont rember me but I played with you guys soon after launch on Alcorn and a few other alts dont rember all the names. Just wanted to stop by and see how everyones been? Are you still enjoying the game? Tell...
  8. Alcorn

    Tell me about Redeemed WOW

    Getting the itch to play wow agian I miss the PVE instances and raids and am thinking about making my account active again and would like a little info about redeemed's wow side. I dont mean what the folks over there are like am sure there great I would like to know how many people were in the...
  9. Alcorn

    I think I know what I need to do? But I can not

    It hurts to admit this but I have known for a while now that WOW and now WAR is an unhealthy obsession for me. When I quit WOW to play WAR was hoping to tone it down some and become much more casual, But as hard as I try its not working. Between gameing with you (redeemed) and playing with a...
  10. Alcorn

    I never Liked Elves.......

    But I tryed A shodow warrior out for giggles and fell in the love with the play style. Any one ever found I class they cant stand to look at but enjoy playing? This is a first for me! Well hes almost level 10 will be taking Alcorn out of the guild to make room for the SW (Alcon)that I have been...
  11. Alcorn

    cant find red eye server.

    Not sure if it got to full or am just over looking it but i cant find it on my list any more. I search by name and go to thr R's and two come up but not red eye. looked many times before posting this and i think its gone hope it dident get to full. will keep checking for it. Alcorn
  12. Alcorn

    Tanks Die Hard

    I am thinking about playing one of the tanking classes just because am not all that good at PvP or RVR if you will, and I think the tank will give me a little bit of breathing room. I have played and fought against them and man they are a pain to kill. Almost seems to me a little to hard to...
  13. Alcorn

    Head start code

    I dont get to start until the 16th. Should I go put my head start code in now or do I wait untill Tue? Alcorn P.s. Spam away just be so kind to throw an answer in there somewhere :p
  14. Alcorn

    help!help! ; )

    Tryed To get an invite a little bit ago before the server went down. Did /who redeemed. Four people came up. Then I sent a tell to all four asking who could invite with no responce. Dont know if /tell is bugged or everyone was afk? Who should I look for, can all memebers invite or just some...
  15. Alcorn

    End Game Q.

    Just looking for opinion's on what every one thinks end game will be like. Wow was my first and only MMO (I tryed AOC) and I enjoyed their PvE end game very much. And mystic has not talked much about theirs from what I can find from google. I wasent into Pvp much in wow but the RvR in war is a...
  16. Alcorn

    Alcorn Introduction

    Just wanted to introduce my self. My name is Kenny am 27 years old. I have a wife of 8 years and 2 young kids. I work for the electric company as a powelineman here in south west florida. I have been playing wow for almost two years and belong to the guild The Narrow Path on the horde side. Big...