Search results

  1. The Mighty Gerbil

    Please pray for my Mother.

    We are going to have to call 911 to send my mother to the hospital (though she does not want to). Please pray for her. For the past 30+ years she's been sick but she's become irrational and immobile for the last day. She's not gotten any decent sleep or food and her Lymphedema is out of control...
  2. The Mighty Gerbil

    IP Change for TF2 Server

    It looks like the IP address of our TF2 game server will be changing. I will post our new IP here when it happens. An explanation from our server provider is in the spoiler below to explain why.
  3. The Mighty Gerbil

    Missing Girl

    Relaying this for one of our TF2 regulars... Hey Gerb, I'm so sorry to hit you with this on a good game night, but I have a prayer request for folks. A teenage girl went missing in a town near me recently, she's homeschooled, and came from a Christian family if memory serves. Obviously I don't...
  4. The Mighty Gerbil

    MERRY CHRISTMAS 2022! and post a Christmas song.

    In ye times past we've had threads for wishing people a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year. This time I thought we might post a Christmas song, or anything Christmassy, you like along with your Merry Christmas! My Mom has played this song for many Christmases... Happy Birthday Jesus! and...
  5. The Mighty Gerbil

    Pray for CGA/Toj

    A bit of the discord, and sin of the world is effecting CGA/Toj. Please pray that above worldly success, above love of man, above personal happiness, above all things, that we find the strength to serve God's will first, always. To remember that above the second commandment "Thou shalt love thy...
  6. The Mighty Gerbil

    Presidential Election 2020

    So a day (more like 2 weeks XD) late and a dollar short I'm going to post some of my opinions about the 2020 Presidential Election. If I speak curtly, if I don't link to every source, my intent is not to hurt feelings or spew things I cannot source. I simply haven't the time, or strength left in...
  7. The Mighty Gerbil

    Ahem "Informative Video" tee hee

    Stay safe, and don't be the idiots ignoring precautions, but humor is precious in difficult situations. It can and should have an appropriate place.
  8. The Mighty Gerbil

    Free Word Processing Software?

    Generally I just write any notes I need to as drafts in Thunderbird, however, I've got a couple more elaborate projects calling for multiple pages. Looking for... 1. Free 2. Offline 3. Multiple pages in one document 4. Basic paragraph formatting 5. Speeeeeelchecker :p 6. A file format that...
  9. The Mighty Gerbil

    TF2 Tuesday Feedback Poll

    No insult to those that do but many times I've seen Toj regulars playing on other servers on our game night. I do NOT expect anyone to play with us but it does beg the question is there anything we can do better? What do those other servers offer we do not? Also to those that do play with us how...
  10. The Mighty Gerbil

    Prayer for my Father's Friend

    While my Father may be friendly with everyone he has often told me of one particular best friend from childhood (akin to Tek + Elihu). While life has forced them apart he managed to maintain some contact to him. I don't know much but Dad recently learned that friend is going in for cardiac...
  11. The Mighty Gerbil

    Gog Wasteland 2 Giveaway

    Noticed has a 24 hour giveaway on Wasteland 2. I know nothing about the game so non-buyer beware. You'll need an account on and to click on the banner but I've gotten many freebies that way, HF or don't up to you!
  12. The Mighty Gerbil

    Eye surgery for Cataracts

    My Father, Bird of Pray, is going to have surgery for cataracts. He is, hopefully, going in for evaluation tomorrow. A bit of a long burn on this one as I don't even know when his first surgery will be yet. Even then he has cataracts in both eyes so there will be two surgeries, at least a month...
  13. The Mighty Gerbil

    Guacamelee Free on Humble Bundle

    I don't know much about the game but Guacamelee is a Mexican flavored Metroidvania action-platformer game available free on Humble Bundle. Offer expires in two days and it says limited supplies as well. Also like all Humble Bundle's giveaways be sure to activate the game on your Steam account as...
  14. The Mighty Gerbil

    Free "Deponia: The Complete Journey" for a limited time

    Deponia: The Complete Journey is free on Humble Bundle for a limited time (1 day 22 hours remaining as of now). Unlike other freebies there also appears to be a limited quantity as well. Please note you must not only redeem it on Humble Bundle but activate the Steam key on Steam or it will...
  15. The Mighty Gerbil

    Free Subnautica and another game every two weeks after.

    Epic appears to be entering the Steam,, Origin (Still refuse to install it regardless of freebies, blech), Gog wars with a new store. As a promotion they are giving away a free game every two weeks for the next year. So with a potential 16 free games it seems like it might be worth...
  16. The Mighty Gerbil

    Free Lego Lord of The Rings

    If you didn't have enough Lego in your life to follow up their Lego:Hobbit giveaway is giving away another Lego:The Lord of the Rings. Offer Ends December 22 at 10 a.m. and after that be sure to redeem your LEGO The Lord of the Rings key on Steam before it expires on...
  17. The Mighty Gerbil

    Free Game Geneshift until tomorrow

    Aerithos mentioned to me that is free until tomorrow on Steam. Just press the install button to put it in your library. You need not actually install it as the button gives you a second prompt. I know nothing about the game's morals or...
  18. The Mighty Gerbil

    Free Games "Full Throttle" and "LEGO: The Hobbit"

    A couple of freebies that are available for the next day or while supplies last. "Full Throttle: Remastered" is free on just have an account and click on the banner to redeem it to it. "LEGO: The Hobbit" is free on . Just remember even after...
  19. The Mighty Gerbil

    Monkey Island on sale today or hello "I'm selling these fine leather jackets."

    If you don't like point and click adventure games ignore this post but if you do on sale today at $13.10 for all four. I don't often plug a game but the Monkey Island series is probably the best, at least in terms of the...
  20. The Mighty Gerbil

    Free: Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

    Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion is Humble Bundle's latest free game giveaway. You just have to have an account and sign up for their newsletter. Enjoy or don't because I know nothing about the game.