Search results

  1. T

    Just realized something about myself.

    Ah. A conspiracy theorist. I don't think you're insane. I think the same way. But then again, I'm not exactly sane sometimes. Ask Dea or Thrawn. So you came up with that idea on your own? Good job. I thought it was something you got off the internet from some commentator.
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    Marriam Grace, Future Gamer

    That was a really quick 9 months, don't chya think? :p Really cute kid. Lucky to have the parents she has. May God lead her through everything.
  3. T

    Website help

    Would it help give a hint if I said I didn't know what CMS was? * hescominsoon - yea. Came up with stuff that I had to pay for or are useless.
  4. T

    Website help

    I was put in charge of my youth group website within the last day or so and they want me to totally change it. So, I need a template. Does anyone have any idea of where I can get a free template that would be usable for a youth group? Our youth group name is Consuming Fire Youth Ministries. If...
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    Family Force Five Goes all Piratey

    Wow. I'm listening to the blog for today. They got kicked off the tour by Acquire the Fire because they think their ministry is wrong. Boo ATF!
  6. T

    Hey guys

    Not really. I've never had it crash or have a problem getting back in in under 2 seconds. Unless I have 3 other ram sucking proggies up like limewire or winamp, It never has a problem.
  7. T

    Hey guys

    I love how you can do that in Windows too. Ever heard of Alt + tab? How about the Windows key? Or maybe ctrl + escape?
  8. T

    Mustard seed, anyone?

    Bump because I feel very strongly about this! Please, pray! Prayer is a mighty tool. Let's use it.
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    Mustard seed, anyone?

    I am preaching 3 times tomorrow. Twice in my school, once at my church. The passage is the feeding of the five thousand. I am using it to show that we need to feed the five thousand of our neighborhood with the Word of God. Here's some statistics I'm using to show why I think we need it. - In...
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    The war in Iraq

    One of our responsibilities as a nation is to protect Israel. If we don't protect Israel, we lose the bit of God's blessing that we have as a nation. I would rather not see the United States in an even further spiritual withdrawal because we refused to protect Israel from Hussein. I agree...
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    The war in Iraq

    I voted yes and I have reasons. Not sure if I can make the study though. I'll try to.
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    Terminal Ferocity Requests Alliance

    Thanks for your interest. The person to get in touch with is Pastori Mastersson. I don't know what will happen though, as you can't profess to being an openly Christian guild. As I understand our alliance, we are an openly Christian professing alliance. Good luck with everything!
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    Profanity on Alliance Chat

    Colossians 3:8 (NIV)
  14. T

    Youth Groups these days, not all but alot.

    No. That just makes you John Nash. (If you've ever seen A Beautiful Mind, you know who I mean.)
  15. T

    Youth Groups these days, not all but alot.

    It's you who are going in circles, Rubber. The fact that you're saying it'd take a year a person and stuff like that shows that you don't believe it will happen. Two verses for you to chew on. Matthew 17:20 (The Message) "Because you're not yet taking God seriously," said Jesus. "The...
  16. T

    Name that build! (note: NOT SPAM!!!)

    Guild Wars 2: Attack of the Pastoris
  17. T

    Youth Groups these days, not all but alot.

    @ RubberDucky - If you are getting shunned for your faith, then there is something wrong. But don't stop showing it. Remember that Jesus said that since the master will be persecuted, the people under the master would surely be persecuted. Keep strong. @ Paul - Preaching against cliques...
  18. T

    Forum Tools

    Halonic = my hero.
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    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    Nope. I just got off work so I am quite busy doing nothing. Next person likes the Cosby Show.
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    Update - Wednesday September 14

    Quit being a smart aleck. I have been quite annoyed by your Windows cracks. So, kindly stop it. For the entire forum's sake. ***Post edited after reading what I said.*** P.S. Don't pick on C$.