Search results

  1. Tek7@Work

    Recommended cable modem?

    Disregard. I bought the SB6141 from Newegg because they were running a promo where you get a free wireless router with the purchase of the cable modem: EDIT: And I'll probably delete this thread...
  2. Tek7@Work

    Recommended cable modem?

    The current #1 candidate:
  3. Tek7@Work

    Recommended cable modem?

    Sad news. When I called AT&T U-Verse to try to negotiate a better rate for Internet service, the best they would offer was $17 more a month than I'm paying now. Long story short: I'm switching back to Mediacom. Oy. Even typing that makes the bile rise in my throat. The good news is that...
  4. Tek7@Work

    Best iOS games?

    Good for consumers, bad for developers. :/ I was happy to buy Monument Valley for $1, but I wasn't going to pay $4. There are a few other games (Year Walk, Device 6, etc.) that I'd buy for a buck just because of the stellar reviews.
  5. Tek7@Work

    Gurumin raffle on

    No worries. I have it on my Steam wish list. I'll wait for a 75% off sale and snatch it up then.
  6. Tek7@Work

    Best iOS games?

    I'm bumping this thread to recommend Monument Valley. I scooped it up for $0.99 during the sale (yay for $15 rebate gift cards!) and have been thoroughly enjoying it.
  7. Tek7@Work

    Does anyone else think Mortal Kombat X is too gory?

    You are not alone, Gerbil. Scroll about halfway through this article for a comparison of Chun Li art in SFIII and SFIV:
  8. Tek7@Work

    Happy 16th birthday, Tribe of Judah!

    It may be odd that I don't think it's odd. A birthday is a wonderful time to reflect on one's mistakes and thank God for His abundant mercy.
  9. Tek7@Work

    What are you playing right now?

    I'm playing Puzzle & Dragons Z + Puzzle & Dragons Super Mario Bros. Edition! :D
  10. Tek7@Work

    Puzzle & Dragons Z + Puzzle & Dragons Super Mario Bros. Edition

    I pre-ordered the game back in late March and received it last Friday (on my birthday, yay!). Has anyone else purchased the game yet?
  11. Tek7@Work

    Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition NA release date: May 15

    Unfortunately, the demo is also very short. :( And, as my wife discovered, not terribly kind to new players. The leaders available in the demo have Leader Skills that require 3 combos to activate. Conditional leader skills are not ideal for new players. Unconditional leader skills (e.g. 1.5x...
  12. Tek7@Work

    Happy 16th birthday, Tribe of Judah!

    Sixteen years (and six days) ago, I posted the recruiting call that marked the founding of Tribe of Judah. If ToJ was a person, he/she would be eligible for a drivers license! Wow. Blows my mind.
  13. Tek7@Work

    Forum Theme

    Yes, yes, yes. I'd love to add some more themes/skins to the forums. If you want to whip up some vBulletin 4.x themes and send them to me and Lloren, one of us can get them installed. On the subject of screens and sleep, I have f.lux installed on almost every screen I use after sunset and I've...
  14. Tek7@Work

    UPS woes

    Yes indeed. I FINALLY got to install the CyberPower UPS I bought. I bought it on 3/29 and I think it took me a week and a half to find a chunk of time to install it. It looks like it has WAY more than enough juice to power what I have connected, so maybe it was indeed overkill...
  15. Tek7@Work

    Gonna be a daddy again

    Congratulations! This is indeed cause for praise and prayer. :)
  16. Tek7@Work

    What is everyone playing these days?

    Puzzle & Dragons and Monster Strike on mobile Bravely Default on 3DS TF2 on Tuesday nights with ToJ (when I'm able) Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time on PS3 Aside from TF2, I haven't had much time to spend on PC gaming lately. :( My wife and I are hoping to get back to GW2 after we...
  17. Tek7@Work

    It's official Christ Centered Gamer is now a 501 C 3 Non Profit organization

    Congratulations! I'd looked at making ToJ and CGA non-profit organizations years ago, discovered how much paperwork and expense was involved, and decided against it at that time. I'd always planned to revisit the possibility at some point, so I'd be interested to hear how your first year as a...
  18. Tek7@Work

    New "Support ToJ" page live

    You're welcome! The WYSIWYG editor built in to the web site made it rather easy, so I feel like most of the credit should go to rhematom. :D
  19. Tek7@Work

    So I bought the game for my son. . .

    Keero and Phantom, our Membership Administrators, may also be busy, but I did see the e-mail come through and will try to log on tonight to approve your application, Patriot. I'll also send Keero and Phantom a PM in case they're where they can approve it sooner.
  20. Tek7@Work

    From the mind of Tek (You've been warned)

    I'm still so hyped for PADZ and PAD SMB! It releases a week before my birthday, so I think I know what I'm asking for from my wife this year. :D