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  1. Tek7@Work

    Bravely Default. I feel like I'm doing it wrong.

    So I've made it past chapter 1 but haven't yet made it to Florem. And I'm getting my hindquarters handed to me in most battles or having to spend Phoenix Downs fighting trash mobs. I have Norende fully rebuilt thanks to StreetPass Relay stations and a bit of persistence. Tiz is a Monk/Knight...
  2. Tek7@Work

    Please pray for my wife and myself...

    Praying. Mental health issues can be especially difficult as one would expect the church to be more understanding than secular communities but too often churches shy away from such issues. Having witnessed my mother taking care of my grandmother during my grandmother's last years, my heart and...
  3. Tek7@Work

    [Weekly - Su/M] What did you learn/teach at church?

    Time to revive this thread (even though I'm a day late in posting a reply)! We had a guest speaker at church this week who taught from the Old Testament. Specifically, he took a passage from Joshua about Joshua and his army, aided and directed by God, made significant progress in securing the...
  4. Tek7@Work

    [Weekly - W] Now Playing

    It's nice to have connections! If and when Legacy of the Void goes on sale for $20 or less, I'll buy it. Until then, I'll stick to my extensive backlog of games.
  5. Tek7@Work

    Yes, community members are allowed to advertise their endeavors. People have not abused the...

    Yes, community members are allowed to advertise their endeavors. People have not abused the opportunity so far, so we've had no reason to make any rules against it or limiting it. :) On a side note, we actually encourage leaders and staff of Christian gaming groups and Christian development...
  6. Tek7@Work

    [Weekly - W] Now Playing

    Waitwaitwait, when did Legacy of the Void release? *checks Google* NOVEMBER 10 HOW DID I MISS THIS *creates price watch* (Sorry, not paying $40 for an expansion pack, not even for StarCraft II.) I still have moments where I get a sudden urge to buy a Vita. Then I...
  7. Tek7@Work

    Welcome to the forums! Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.

    Welcome to the forums! Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.
  8. Tek7@Work

    [Weekly - W] Now Playing

    I kept starting this post yesterday and I kept getting distracted. Time to try again. :) So I'm still playing Puzzle & Dragons. No real surprise there. I've had more ups than downs recently and I've been enjoying playing some new-ish teams. I still play Monster Strike occasionally. My interest...
  9. Tek7@Work

    For My Mother, Please

    Praise the Lord!
  10. Tek7@Work

    Needing new chair... recommendations?

    Looks comfy! 3.5 stars on Amazon would give me pause, though. Why not 4?
  11. Tek7@Work

    Go for it, dood! Wish I had the time to write these days. Well, the time, and the inclination...

    Go for it, dood! Wish I had the time to write these days. Well, the time, and the inclination. But much <3 to the folks still writing!
  12. Tek7@Work

    Needing new chair... recommendations?

    Just don't make it explode. Or have a video camera running if you do and post the video to YouTube and share the link.
  13. Tek7@Work

    XenForo: How do I...?

    -The Internet
  14. Tek7@Work

    Migration to XenForo (Sept. 2015)

    But we're not on vB4 any more! And I like this look much better. We still have a few kinks to work out of the custom theme but WE'RE NOT USING THE DEFAULT THEME. That alone makes me a happy dude. And community members are currently welcome to recommend additional XenForo themes or create their...
  15. Tek7@Work

    [Weekly - Su/M] What did you learn/teach at church?

  16. Tek7@Work

    XenForo: How do I...?

    Well, there's no risk of a seizure, but now I can't stop staring at the Ferris wheel. O_O
  17. Tek7@Work

    Configuring Android 5.0 tablet for child?

    I don't mind shelling out some bucks, but I only want to do it once. I might have considered a Qustodio license, but the cheapest option is a license for 5 devices and I only have 1 I want to manage. :/
  18. Tek7@Work

    XenForo: How do I...?

    1 MB or 1024 KB. If .GIF isn't an allowed file type, yes, you'll need to upload to another site then link to the image. I suppose we should put our heads together and decide on a good image host--something that allows direct linking and isn't imgur...
  19. Tek7@Work

    [Weekly - Su/M] What did you learn/teach at church?

    Mortality, yo. Better to face it head on now than later in life. Life is indeed a vapor. Best to appreciate each day God has given us, knowing it may be our last. Plan for the future, certainly, but don't assume you're going to get to see it. So I listened to the sermon I missed last week and...