Search results

  1. Tek7@Work

    Free Games...

    Picked up all 3. Thanks for the heads up, @PeekABoo!
  2. Tek7@Work

    What Christian artists do you dig?

    That video is...terrifying. :eek:
  3. Tek7@Work

    Free Overwatch Kerrigan Ghost skin

    Set a reminder on my phone! I haven't played Overwatch in weeks, but Kerrigan is one of my favorite characters in the BlizzVerse so I don't want to miss out. Thanks for the heads up, Gerbil!
  4. Tek7@Work

    [Weekly - F/Sa] Week In Review

    So things finally slowed to a manageable (but most definitely still not slow!) pace at work last week. There are projects coming up very soon that will likely result in work piling up again, but I'm enjoying the quiet before the storm. This week is Spring Break, but my wife and I are both...
  5. Tek7@Work

    WarCraft 3 Campaign Map

    @Bowser Do you remember the name of the file? I don't see it as an attachment here on the forums (it may not have carried over in the transition from vBulletin to XenForo), but there's a good chance I have a copy of the map somewhere on an old backup drive.
  6. Tek7@Work

    [Weekly - W] Now Playing

    <3 for JC3 Did you pick up the DLC? The new missions and, more importantly, the vehicles and weapons are a blast. I have fond memories of my older daughter sitting on my lap while I drove a mech. She has my dark sense of humor, so she was giggling loudly while I hurled enemy soldiers over the...
  7. Tek7@Work

    [Weekly - W] Now Playing

    Still Puzzle & Dragons. Some of the most popular English-language third-party resources for PAD are no longer actively being updated (at least, for now) and anecdotal evidence suggests there's an exodus of the NA player base to other games. Sporadically playing through demos on my 3DS to clear...
  8. Tek7@Work

    [Weekly - Su/M] What did you learn/teach at church?

    Our pastor spoke on reaching across cultures to glorify God and make disciples. He used Paul's visit to the Areopagus/Mars Hill as an example of how to effectively preach the Gospel to other cultures. Paul observed and respected the culture to which he was preaching but did not compromise the...
  9. Tek7@Work

    [Weekly - W] Now Playing

    Still Puzzle & Dragons. Back to Super Mario Odyssey for post-game fun. SO MUCH FUN. Maybe logged in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp and Fire Emblem Heroes twice this last week. Thinking it might be time to back them up using Titanium Backup and uninstall them both (after I collect 50 orbs in FEH...
  10. Tek7@Work

    [Weekly - W] Now Playing

    I finished announcing my semi-retirement from Puzzle & Dragons on Monday. By "semi-retire," I mean that I'm not quitting the game, but I'll be playing much more casually. Still playing my daily puzzles in Wordscapes. I've been thoroughly enjoying Metroid: Samus Returns. I had high expectations...
  11. Tek7@Work

    [Weekly - W] Now Playing

    Still Puzzle & Dragons. Game is still fun, but the inventory management portion is increasingly annoying. Some Metroid: Samus Returns, but not as much as I'd like. A little bit of Overwatch on Friday and Team Fortress 2 on Tuesday. On a related note, Overwatch Fridays are a regular event now...
  12. Tek7@Work

    Deadlight Director's Cut Free on Gog

    Yay, I didn't miss this free game! ...But now do I want it? I just have to remember to log in to my GOG account when I get home tonight. Better set a reminder on my phone. :x
  13. Tek7@Work

    Free Game Jotun

    D'oh, you're right. Their new game, Sundered, is a Metroidvania game. Looks like this one might collect dust after all. :/
  14. Tek7@Work

    Free Game Jotun

    I snagged this before the deadline and installed it. I haven't played it yet, though. :| Zelda: Breath of the Wild continues to dominate what little gaming time I have. Looks great, though! A Norse mythology-inspired Metroidvania game is right up my alley.
  15. Tek7@Work

    Recommended podcasts/sermon downloads?

    As a field tech, I spend a fair amount of time on the road. I've been listening to sermons from Alistair Begg downloaded from the Truth for Life web site, but I'm also looking for sermons from other solid teachers. I'm also ALSO looking for podcasts on other topics as well. Any recommendations?
  16. Tek7@Work

    [Weekly - W] Now Playing

    Zelda: Breath of the Wild continues to dominate my gaming time. I've barely touched Puzzle & Dragons this week and I've stuck to my retirement from Monster Strike. No sense in investing time and effort in a game with an English language version that's shutting down in a month and a Japanese...
  17. Tek7@Work

    [Weekly - Su/M] What did you learn/teach at church?

    One of our pastors taught on the spiritual gift of exhortation from Romans 12 and 1 Thessalonians 5. 1 Thessalonians 5:14, ESV Romans 12:4-8, ESV
  18. Tek7@Work

    XenForo and Splash style upgraded to 1.5.14

    Yeah. Just caught that. D'oh! Now I have to see if I can dig up our logo and re-upload it. I should have an opportunity to search for and upload our logo tonight.
  19. Tek7@Work

    Site speed...holy schnikies!

    I didn't think about it, so that means it's fast. :)