Search results

  1. P

    Steam Friends BETA

    I couldn't add any of you :S
  2. P

    What mods are you playing?

    It *is* a single player mod, and I can't remember the link for the website..but I posted about it here.
  3. P

    Steam Friends BETA

    Me "Pilgrim"
  4. P

    Server yes or no?

    I retract my earlier statement, good point. I agree with Dead Aim as well.
  5. P

    Facts about Jack Bauer of 24

    Would love pm too.. hahaha
  6. P

    Server yes or no?

    Is it 1.6 or Source? I would be more likely to hop on if it was Source, and maybe a few bots to keep it interesting while waiting for people to join.. I would hop on if it was 1.6 up ip/port :)
  7. P

    CS:1.6 players post here

    I thought that the server you were hosting was down..try making a new thread for it..I'm sure that not many people know about it. I'm not sure whether if it's 1.6 or source, I've been playing mostly source lately but either way I'll hop on.
  8. P

    BFME2 chapter? :)

  9. P

    No CS for Pastor

    Heh..thats what im actually looking into as well..from a local school up here. I'm thinking of getting the bachelor degree instead of a diploma..more training..= higher paid in the long run.
  10. P

    Whon Finally Beat HL2

    Nice, congratulations. I want to beat Hl2 again..that was a fun game. (Still is)
  11. P

    CCGR.ORG Hacked... AGAIN

    Hahaha, so true.
  12. P

    New Computer

    ROFL! Which one? Call of Duty 2? Day of Defeat 2? There are so many more..but the words 'recently' and 'squad based' make me think..
  13. P

    1st Annual GFC Exercise/Weight-Loss Challenge

    And proud of it. :D
  14. P

    Just discovered a few goodies on Rizz's site

    Whoa!! I didn't see those before!
  15. P

    What would it take to get you on IRC?

    Oh, My Goodness. Thank you so much, I didn't even think about trying to fix that!! I have that problem all the time, which is why I'm on aim so little of the time.
  16. P

    1st Annual GFC Exercise/Weight-Loss Challenge

    Can I join in? How about one hour of walking..or 15 min of jogging plus 10 min of weights? :)
  17. P

    Anybody see "The Second Chance"?

    I haven't seen it yet, I will probably rent it.