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  1. P

    How to get custom Bf2 Stats

    What does the code do?
  2. P

    CS: Source?

    Corpfox: Link to Zombie Mod? I played one for Half Life, I liked it. Source = My two thumbs up. I just beat COD2, uninstalled. :)
  3. P

    CS: Source?

    I haven't played lately..but my tag is []Pilgrim. You can search by clicking here. If the game is cstrike 2.0, that is source. If it is cstrike 1.6, it's kind of obvious. When I play im usually on xfire, but I haven't been using xfire lately when playing.
  4. P

    Could someone fill me in on the recent changes in CGA/ToJ?

    Haha. Hey corp..nice video card. Have you ordered from eglobalonline before? I've heard of it from my uncle, but I have never ordered from them before, I usually goto for my stuff. I usually only buy their stuff on sale though. Welcome Back!
  5. P

    How to get custom Bf2 Stats

    I was being sad, takes up about a half page on the comp that im currently on. (Not my own comp). Anyway, I guess thanks for posting the info above ^_^
  6. P

    Maps, COME GET EM

    Haha, I remember the VIP missions..
  7. P

    New maps and Bittorrent system

    Talon..the map packs that you posted recently that were 1gigs each for a total of 4-5 map packs..were those the 3500 maps? :S
  8. P

    Best webhosting deal

    I wish they would stop emailing me every few days it seems like!! I tried to remove myself from their "mailing list", but I can't remember any of my account information. :mad: So I'm probably biased.
  9. P

    Spontainious or prepared

    I've done it before, structured part of a prayer in my mind before praying for somebody..I don't think it's terribly wrong, but I also think that if you let him speak through you, he will. Don't worry about stumbling, when I pray outloud I stumble over my words quite often!
  10. P

    How to get custom Bf2 Stats

    :| Your signature is huge :O