Search results

  1. Thrawn

    Meet The Heroes I so want the last guy...
  2. Thrawn

    Guild Wars vs. WoW

    Nice. Poor Gwen though... :(
  3. Thrawn

    Oct 10 PvP Team

    We need to work on a way that I can not have to play a monk. :p
  4. Thrawn

    Unwelcome Guest

    Oh, so Tyrians can do the missions now?
  5. Thrawn

    Fun with Webcams!

    Eh, technicalities. :)
  6. Thrawn

    Fun with Webcams!

    Victorian. The one that resembles a mesmer...
  7. Thrawn

    Mustard seed, anyone?

    I'm sure you'll do great. :) Be praying for ya. :)
  8. Thrawn

    Fun with Webcams!

    You should send that in for the GW Halloween Contest. Mesmer ftw!
  9. Thrawn

    DDF Mon 10/9 7pm PST

    Doh, missed it... >_<
  10. Thrawn

    New Family Member

  11. Thrawn

    New Family Member

    He's a black lab, mostly. Heh, he's not house-trained yet, so there's already been some "infernos" on the living room floor... >_<
  12. Thrawn

    New Family Member

    Isn't he cute? His name's Dante.
  13. Thrawn

    Quality Headphones

    My dad works for Bose, so naturally, given the employee discount, I game with these. When I need a mic, I've got a logitech headset that I drape around my neck. Unfortunately, those have taken a bit of abuse, so the single-headphone part of it doesn't work. That was really handy though, cause...
  14. Thrawn

    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    My family doesn't do Christmas. As in the whole commercialism aspect of it. We don't buy gifts; we'd rather focus on spending time wiht loved ones over buying stuff we're never gonna use. :P So, yeah, looking forward to it. :) Next person is watching Battlestar Galactica.
  15. Thrawn

    Hall of Heroes Update

    October 5 UPDATES TO HEROES' ASCENT * Removed Burial Mounds from rotation. * Raised the team count for Broken Tower to 3. * Reduced the play time for Broken Tower to 4 minutes. * Reduced the play time for Courtyard to 4 minutes. * Added levers to Scarred Earth so that players can open gates...
  16. Thrawn

    The Off Topic Thread!

    "Tangado haid! Leithio i philinn!" (Hold position! Fire the arrows!)
  17. Thrawn

    The war in Iraq

    'I don't know." I'm familiar with a lot of theological debates, but I'll admit this is one that I haven't spent any time looking into. Guess I should read up on the subject for next week. :)
  18. Thrawn

    Nightfall Preorder

    You can buy extra character slots from there, for example.