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  1. Part Time Player

    Thursday - July 4, 2013

    In this day and age everyone is out to satisfy their own desires. Clearly this verse points out that the end result of self gratification is death. Today we celebrate our independence as a nation. Let's not take advantage of our freedoms by being self indulgent, but by exercising out freedom...
  2. Part Time Player

    Kick Out The Jams!

    You should look into Jump5 or NitroPraise. Dance mix type music with a Christian flavor.
  3. Part Time Player

    Kick Out The Jams!

    Really been enjoying this song lately. It puts alot into perspective. Http:// my internet isn't up and running so all posts from the last week have been from my phone. :p
  4. Part Time Player

    Any plumbers or home fixer upers?

    It may be a humidity issue. The sweaty pipes likely have cold water in them with a really warm temperature around them. Try running a dehumidifier and see if it helps the condensation.
  5. Part Time Player

    Any plumbers or home fixer upers?

    I agree. If its not copper pipe its most likely pex which is really easy to fix and not expensive. If there is a brass piece that cracked it may be a fitting or valve. You would just cut the pex above and below the fitting and replace said fitting. There are two styles of pex fittings...
  6. Part Time Player

    Thursday - June 27, 2013

    I was listening to the radio on the way into work this morning and heard this verse, and decided to do my daily devotion on it this evening on a whim. It's a very well known passage for the most part, and so simple to understand. Yet sometimes its the hardest thing to do. Neighbors aren't...
  7. Part Time Player

    Sunday, June 23, 2013 - Proverbs 15:22

    I can attest to this first hand. We started a project of building our own home about 3 years ago, and we just moved in this past weekend. Granted my father-in-law and I were the primary builders, but we ended up being a year behind and substantially over budget because we were told we could do...
  8. Part Time Player

    Kick Out The Jams!

    This proct me to pull up my favorite worship song. Hillsong is probably my favorite worship/praise band.
  9. Part Time Player

    Friday, June 21, 2013

    It can be easy to get drawn into a confrontation especially if it's between 2 friends and you just want to help defuse the situation. However, we may be forced to "choose" sides resulting in damaged relationships. It doesn't seem to make since to let the situation resolve itself, but it may be...
  10. Part Time Player

    Kick Out The Jams!

    I don't typically go to that extreme, but I do own a Demon Hunter album. :P
  11. Part Time Player

    Kick Out The Jams!

    Huge Skillet fan myself! Love this song too. If you haven't already heard of them check out Thousand Foot Krutch. If you like Skillet you'd probably enjoy them.
  12. Part Time Player

    Kick Out The Jams!

    My wife is a big Third Day fan, I've got a couple of their albums. Solid pick in my book :D