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  1. Part Time Player


    Excellent! Accepted! I was pulled in for the same reason. I'm horrible at map manipulation. I play LOL with a locked camera, and everyone I play with said thats a horrible idea. I tell them I do it because the game is too easy :P Skill shots too stronk! I've been watching a streamer/youtuber...
  2. Part Time Player

    Kick Out The Jams!

    In an age of internet radio, pandora, spotfy, etc etc a local station here has some pretty solid choices. I recommend "Resound" A blend of christian rock and contemporary. Nothing for you metal lovers, but its always playing in my house/car/work.
  3. Part Time Player

    Thursday - August 8, 2013

    I've been going through a series this week on humility, and this one stood out to me. It wasn't in today's reading but it meant the most to me. It's always been a struggle of mine. I'm a rather self-confident person, but its a fine line to walk between confidence and haughtiness. This reminds...
  4. Part Time Player

    Kick Out The Jams!

    I made a highlight video a couple years ago with Family Force 5 - Love Addict as the background track. I've got an older Manafest album, nothing new but there is track Invincible he does feat. Trevor McNevan from TFK which is an awesome song.
  5. Part Time Player

    Kick Out The Jams!

    Heard this on the radio on the way home tonight. Can't get this tune out of my head now.
  6. Part Time Player

    Word Association Part III, the madness continues

    Edit: Potty Training (Can you tell what age my kids are? :P) Open face sandwich Side Note: Cream chipped beef on toast was a staple when I was growing up. mmmmmmmm
  7. Part Time Player


    I didn't really see any other place for this so I'm seeing if anyone else has dabbled in this game. Free to Play MOBA from HiRez. What I really enjoy about this game is that all abilities are skill shots, some are AOE but you still have to place it properly. I come from a long line of FPS...
  8. Part Time Player

    Thursday - August 1, 2013

    Life sometimes feels like a lottery with the odds stacked against us. It may be poor health, job loss, or a number of other things. However, there are a number of examples in the Bible of those who stayed strong in the toughest circumstances. They were blessed beyond imagine. So when we face...
  9. Part Time Player

    Thursday - July 25, 2013

    I've been excited about this little ministry on the forums, and have really been blessed by it. I have my life verse in my signature, and thought to myself... "Why haven't I used this as a VotD thread?" Well, here it is! :) I actually have a tattoo of this verse reference on my chest. It's a...
  10. Part Time Player

    Wednesday July 24, 2013

    We all have our own little mission field. Time to plant seeds.