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  1. L

    I need a new Job.

    thank you sir
  2. L

    Far Cry 3

    well bud that's what I said in one of my posts is I wish I would have looked at the ratings before I rented it( which I'm glad I only rented it). it did have its fun moments with the free roam and hunting animals. but the language and nudity where too much for me. The reason I say that is bc if...
  3. L

    I need a new Job.

    hey guys just gonna c if you guys can be praying that a job opportunity will open for me closer to home right now I work out of state and it takes my time away from my youth. Well its also taking away from the vision I have for my current youth, who have shown an incredible zeal and love for the...
  4. L

    any good game suggestions

    now I feel out of the loop lol I can't watch the video I'm viewing this from my phone in a town that I get terrible service and would take like an hr to load the video
  5. L

    any good game suggestions

    thank u sir I've been thinking of getting lord of the rings the third age that was a super good game
  6. L

    any good game suggestions

    Well kinda tired of playing competitive shooters and trying to find some suggestions on good fun games to play that are kinda cheaper don't want to buy em for 60 bucks. Xbox 360 or original Xbox games I can play on my xbox. no ps3 or pc don't like Sony and my pc can barely run minecraft on the...
  7. L

    Far Cry 3

    exactly it would have been so much better if they would have left out the excessive cussing the 2 sex scenes or cinematics what ever u want to call it. but to kinda give a further review I beat the game last night. Pros the free roam is fun and there is a lot of cool things to find in loot...
  8. L

    Far Cry 3

    well bud I played the first mission of far cry 2 and didnt play it again well it was mostly bc I was so into halo 3 at the time but I don't remember much about it so I can't give it a review I just wish Ubisoft would have done one of the only things call of dutys done good with there games which...
  9. L

    Paul over Matthias

    yeah man these just so much good questions that's left in the bible, I mean what do u think on the idea of Pangaea do you think the bible supports this and vise versa. oh and kahiel I understand that bout the holy spirit lol, I was just saying at that time it had only rested on the prophets...
  10. L

    my church

    yeah I'm sorry I'm writing from my phone and its hard to keep my ideas in line bc my phone does whatever it wants it will zoom in and out so I lose my place and train of thought easily fighting with this stupid thing. but if it will help when I get of work I can try to edit it on my pc
  11. L

    my church

    well to give u a back story my church has been goin for about 6 years I've been the youth paster for abot 5 1/2 but has been there the entire time. we started in a store front and grew after about a year and a half we ended up renting the one next door and about 2 years ago we ended up buying a...
  12. L

    Far Cry 3

    well I just think its sad that they have to add that stuff in it doesn't make the story only breaks it for people who don't want to hear the F-bomb every 5 seconds luckily I bought a headset where I can add an aux input and plug my phone in and listen to music so I just throw on some Pandora and...
  13. L

    Far Cry 3

    well guys I've been playing the new far cry(rented it from redbox) and just gonna warn anyone interested in playing it. I'm about half way through from what I've heard from my friends and there has already been a scene of frontal nudity and so much cussing its been unbearable to play. I love the...
  14. L

    Paul over Matthias

    you know that's y I was pondering this question was at this point the holy spirit was limited bc it hadn't rested on them and in them yet. and the thought came to mind when I'm seeking God on an answer when I pray and fast its still kinda hard to hear him with the holy spirit, so could that have...
  15. L

    Battlefield 3 players

    well ill play any other game I have with ya lol I got most of the CoDs and a lot of the halos been playing far cry 3 recently, minecraft etc my gt is L3G1T BR 23
  16. L

    Paul over Matthias

    yeah its just something I've been thinking about as I've read and studied that in the Bible that Matthias was never mentioned again and what I was trying to ask is do u think the deciples were hasty in the calling of Matthias being the 12th not that God shouldnt of picked him, and that was all...
  17. L

    Christian Metal

    ahh yeah I forgot BTA but have u heard of For Today if not u should check out there song Ezekiel the visionary which has been producing a lot of thought on Ezekiel's vision at the valley of dry bones and the scripture where my people perish with lack of vision.
  18. L

    Paul over Matthias

    well don't u think God should have chose someone of influence to take that final place in the 12. But through further thought I remember that the 12 didn't trust Paul at first and maybe God knew they wouldn't except him to be apart of the 12. so I could be completely wrong.
  19. L

    Paul over Matthias

    well what I was getting at is that evidence shown is that Paul accomplished more for the cause of Christ outside of Christ himself then anyone in the new testament him and Peter are probably the reason y we have come to the knowledge of Christ. comparing to what we know about Matthias is nothing...
  20. L

    Paul over Matthias

    well to br plain it took Israel 40 years to get to the promised land so 4 years isn't too long to wait considering other storys where God had a plan .but if I'm thinking right petter was the first person to take the gospel to gentiles.