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  1. L

    Microsoft loves console gamers

    Well I agree with you fully on that Mr. Red. I'm glad that my financial situation has gotten extremely better so I can afford both! I would put that money to a PC for the fun games/ mods on there but sadly I really don't know people on PC! Nothing against the PC players on here but I like...
  2. L

    Microsoft loves console gamers

    Does anyone else just want to jump for joy that Microsoft did change there mind on those issues, so now it's kinda easier to justify spending 900 bucks on consoles in the next few months!
  3. L

    Microsoft loves console gamers

    Well see that's the major issue I had with Microsoft was the lack of clarity not the policy's themselves. But I fully think they were waiting on Sony to say what there policy's were! And now since Sony dropped all DRM, Microsoft was like crap we need to fix our policy's. But I'm not saying DRM...
  4. L

    Microsoft loves console gamers

    Well what I think xion is trying to convey is this, since the reveal of the Xbox one most people even a few on this site has said screw Microsoft and say PC is better. But PC has also had aggressive DRM policy's too! Now what you guys are failing to see is that we had no clue on what Microsoft...
  5. L

    Microsoft loves console gamers

    Well here is what you always have to remember you get what you pay for! Why do you think Sony started the ps+ system, bc they saw how well it worked for Microsoft. Getting content early, exclusive xbla titles such as minecraft. Brought Netflix and other apps earlier, like Sony felt so...
  6. L

    My reaction to Microsoft's game policies.

    You should update ur video! Please thank you sir
  7. L

    Microsoft loves console gamers

    I'm sorry if I seem rude, I'm just really blunt and that sometimes is a good thing but also a bad thing as well lol!
  8. L

    Microsoft loves console gamers

    Oh we'll my point was that its way too early to see how eather console will be supported! And getting the idea we need to focus more on the good games that ate coming out and not focus on the downfalls of each company bc they both have had there problems! Idk it's kinda annoying about griping...
  9. L

    Microsoft loves console gamers

    Well here is the simple factor of it people make mistakes, company's make mistakes! Should we just start downing playstation for that update miss hap that happened this week! Nope we need to wait and hope that both company's will do what's right!
  10. L

    Microsoft loves console gamers

    Well here is what it is if you like Sony buy Sony, if you like Microsoft buy Microsoft, and if you like both then buy both! Calm down stop complaining about policy's that's been reversed and go on! I'm gonna buy both, and I still would have bought both if DRM was implemented! You know why I'm in...
  11. L

    Sony loves console gamers

    It makes me sad hopefully they will replace the consoles that were jacked up
  12. L

    Microsoft loves console gamers

    I hope not I havnt fully decided tho which console I want to buy first. I kinda want to wait with the Xbox one so maybe they will change the used game policy even tho it doesn't effect me bc I rarely buy used games but I do understand the implications for others! But I've been leaning to the ps4...
  13. L

    Microsoft loves console gamers

    Well I wanted to buy the watch dogs ps4 bundle but on amazon it says that it woundnt be available till December 31st
  14. L

    Microsoft loves console gamers

    Does anyone know when the PS4 is gonna drop, I looked at getting one of the bundles of it. I'm debating buying it first and wait on the Xbox one( even tho it's not popular) until spring or summer next year!
  15. L

    So is it round or flat?

    I think the greater question is how does God see you?! You are far more important to God then the earth!
  16. L

    Controversial Topic: EA Wins E3!

    That wouldn't be a big problem for me since that is arguably the best shooter/ action games ever! I wish I would have got into the half life games earlier. I didn't play any till it the second one came out on The original Xbox.
  17. L

    Controversial Topic: EA Wins E3!

    I want a steam box are they ever gonna sale them
  18. L

    Controversial Topic: EA Wins E3!

    Lol I got around 400 hrs in each one of these so I'm looking forward to it so much! Have been a fan of the elder scrolls series since morrowind. But I'm really looking forward to seeing if Ryse, will be good! And for PS4 I'm kinda looking forward to kingdom hearts 3. But the new IP's I'm looking...
  19. L

    Controversial Topic: EA Wins E3!

    Well this what's sucks for me is I really like all kinds of games, but I prefer the Xbox controller. So I bought both this gen and used Xbox for cod, halo and other exclusives. Then the ps3 for fallout, and the Sony exclusives that I enjoyed from Sony! Then I got rid of my Xbox bc this girl I...
  20. L

    Controversial Topic: EA Wins E3!

    I'm just wondering if Microsoft will decide to undo there used game stand now since Sony said they will support used games?