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  1. Narius

    The Forum Ban Game!

    /banned for not crushing the level meter.
  2. Narius

    The Forum Ban Game!

    /banned for not loving Narius and for YOU not having a power level over 9000. Like Narius.
  3. Narius

    The Forum Ban Game!

    /banned for the elderberries revolution
  4. Narius

    The Forum Ban Game!

    /banned for raising the question, 'Are you Irish?'
  5. Narius

    We should all be aware of this

    Needs moar kats
  6. Narius

    The Forum Ban Game!

    /banned for not being Irish
  7. Narius

    The Forum Ban Game!

    /banned for using common sense in a thread like this
  8. Narius

    The Forum Ban Game!

    /banned for egging him on
  9. Narius

    2012 Christian LAN event? one's interested in Dallas lans!?
  10. Narius

    The Forum Ban Game!

    /banned for not enjoying our amazing banter.
  11. Narius

    The Forum Ban Game!

  12. Narius

    The Forum Ban Game!

    /Banned Grammar Officer 'Nazi' Engris
  13. Narius


  14. Narius

    The Forum Ban Game!

    /banned Grammar Officer Engris.
  15. Narius

  16. Narius

  17. Narius


    Thanks, AMorrii.
  18. Narius


    Hey guys...Um, I really need some heavy prayer about some stuff. I had an uncle, Raymond, (31 in November) who was in jail for 3 1/2 years due to siphoning money from my grand parents for drugs and stealing a car at a car dealer. He was sentenced to 8 years, but got out at 3 1/2 years on...
  19. Narius

    The Forum Ban Game!

    /banslap for being a grammar nazi ! :D