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  1. BlockHeadLewie

    My dad was a teacher. His words to me were always about "A good teacher has good students pass...

    My dad was a teacher. His words to me were always about "A good teacher has good students pass them in knowledge." I wish you that kind of success! :)
  2. BlockHeadLewie

    (Unless things come back in the negative, in which case, well, I'll still make some effort!)

    (Unless things come back in the negative, in which case, well, I'll still make some effort!)
  3. BlockHeadLewie

    I sit anxious for reports that shall come to me soon, then I'll have MUCH more to be active with...

    I sit anxious for reports that shall come to me soon, then I'll have MUCH more to be active with in the community!
  4. BlockHeadLewie

    [Weekly - Su/M] What did you learn/teach at church?

    Don't Give Up! That's the main message I got today from our sermon based on: I will most likely forget something here, being human and all that, but I'll do my best! Many take this as a defensive posture, which can be true, but it can also be taken as "Don't Give Up!" when pressing into a...
  5. BlockHeadLewie

    [Weekly - F/Sa] Week In Review

    Figured it's about time I posted something here. One can not be part of a community and not actually BE part of the community, can they? LoL Another week goes by and I've gotten a LOT done! I haven't had much time for myself, this is true, but my wife outranks my needs as well as the ministry...
  6. BlockHeadLewie

    Please pray for my wife and myself...

    Thank you all deeply. The things that keep me going are as simple as "Count it all joy" and "I shall look to the hills". Also: "The best is yet to come!" Peace! :cool:
  7. BlockHeadLewie

    Please pray for my wife and myself...

    Greetings, (First a short back story): I was once living on the streets, hitch hiking around the country trying to grow a bit and enjoy life some. I was also in search of something to bring back to the worship group I was involved in before I started my trek: I was a Satan worshiper. Within a...
  8. BlockHeadLewie

    Sharing an old blog post on setting goals

    Your blog is more true than the words used within it! Having been on the other side of this great war we fight, I sorta have first hand experience as to how the enemy of God functions. One of his first tricks is in fact to take out minds off of God. Even if it seems ok at the moment it is...
  9. BlockHeadLewie

    It's time I started accessing my ability to interact! Watch out people, I'm on the loose! Woot...

    It's time I started accessing my ability to interact! Watch out people, I'm on the loose! Woot! Woot! 8)
  10. BlockHeadLewie

    Thank you! I'm having fun looking over posts, pages and other various items about the community...

    Thank you! I'm having fun looking over posts, pages and other various items about the community. I've already learned a ton but do have room for a few tons more. Trust me, I'll ask if necessary! About to make a post regarding my business. I presume if I follow the rules and stay in the same...
  11. BlockHeadLewie

    Church website

    My home church: My ministry:
  12. BlockHeadLewie

    Just got here, looking things over first... :)

    Just got here, looking things over first... :)
  13. BlockHeadLewie


    Greetings!?! I happened to be pointed here from CCGR and do hope I like what I see, which I haven't seen much yet, but I will look about! I may be a blockhead but I do know how to follow rules, so here's my first post here: An introduction! Who I Am There once was a guy from the net, He'd been...