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  1. Narius

    MoP Changes

    ah. nice.
  2. Narius

    MoP Changes

    This will hopefully work. I would love to try this. Epik, you're in Beta? How'd long it take you to get in? I just got my annual pass today.
  3. Narius

    Hunger Games world, everything about hunger games.

    This made me lol. You should really try to read them, they were wrote very well and are worth it. It'll draw you right in. I haven't read a wheel of time yet, nor anything George R.R. Martin. I have, of course read everything Tolkien and Lewis. I really enjoyed the LOTR movies and can't wait for...
  4. Narius

    Hunger Games world, everything about hunger games.

    Really Josh? Which ones? lol. I thought the game makers scenes were interesting. Good to see their side
  5. Narius

    Hunger Games world, everything about hunger games.

    I started reading Harry Potter in the 1st grade, completely devoured them. I love Potter. I love the books, and the movie. The movie itself was very very close to the book, thanks to having Suzanne Collins help write the movie. She won't be there for the next one though. : / There are a lot...
  6. Narius

    Hunger Games world, everything about hunger games.

    Hunger Games. Good book? Bad book? Not appropriate? Appropriate for what? Film any good/nada? Evil or not evil? I'd like to see a discussion about this. I've read all these books twice, and on my 3rd time of the hunger games. I saw the movie at midnight. I'm a big potter fan and all things...
  7. Narius

    Hi Peeps

    I CALLED IT FIRST! anyways. Yes, cass, like Mel said earlier, come play GW2 and D3! I'll be playing both too! I'm also quitting SW:TOR tonight and coming back to WoW. ;)
  8. Narius

    The Forum Ban Game!

    /banned because unless the word is in Urban Dictionary, it SHALL NEVAH BE REALZ!
  9. Narius

    Hi Peeps

    Woah! Cassadine sighting! Dude, I haven't seen you since I first came to join redeemed! missed you! Get back to playing! MOP is (hopefully) right around the corner!
  10. Narius

    The Forum Ban Game!

    /banned for making up a word. Where's the grammar police when you need him? Engris....
  11. Narius

    The Forum Ban Game!

    /banned for being a city girl
  12. Narius

    Co-GL Election Time! - Nominations

    Hmm. I like nominating people! Mordos, Blu, you're up next!
  13. Narius

    Co-GL Election Time! - Nominations

    I nominate Angryson. And Goodwone. And Cakeyplease. ( I can do that, right?)
  14. Narius

    The Forum Ban Game!

    /banned because San Francisco is dirty and New York is the city I WILL move to after I graduate.
  15. Narius

    The Forum Ban Game!

    /banned because you were born in Louisiana!?! that's my place.
  16. Narius

    Where is the panda NPC?

    They redid the talent system? I always loved the idea of the pandas, and introducing monks with them worked great imo. Sure, because of kungfu panda people are saying it is a really childish expac, but pandaren have been a part of lore since the original warcrafts, and honestly it looks like...
  17. Narius

    Where is the panda NPC?

    ooh, you really like it? how does it compare to the other expacs, and how does the new monk and race compare to the others? whatcha think?
  18. Narius

    The Forum Ban Game!

    /Banned because I'm pretty sure you're not from texas.
  19. Narius

    Where is the panda NPC?

    aww, crap! i didn't get the pass.