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  1. No_Compromise

    What's your opinion on Psychic stuff?

    A real prophet from God will never give a prophecy that doesn't come true. And if a person claims to know the future and other mysteries, where do they get that power from? Sylvia Brown isn't a Christian and if she's not doing it to make money, there is only one place her abilities can come...
  2. No_Compromise

    How many ways to heaven?

    If this article is true, it is scary indeed. For an evangelical to believe in more than one way to God, would be calling Jesus Christ a liar. And these that took the poll need to seriously step back, read the bible again and repent of this sin. Mostly likely they were liberal minded as most seem...
  3. No_Compromise

    The Trinity

    Before Abraham was I AM Let us make man in our image, in our likeness. If you've seen Me, you've seen the Father. In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God. The Son of God, Jesus, has always been. No there's no place in the bible that has the word...
  4. No_Compromise

    How many ways to heaven?

    Yikes! That is scary. If that article is true, these evangelicals that took the poll should read the bible more. That is if they are more liberal minded, in which case throws up a red flag instantly.