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  1. Tekton

    After reading Warrzone's amazing testimony....

    It IS an amazing story. Happy Birthday Warr.
  2. Tekton

    Tears of the saints

    Found this at the right time. Thank you Bill. Tekton (the other Bill)
  3. Tekton

    Guild Talents!

    Sweet - shaman who can already hearth every 7.5 minutes should now be able to go back in time.
  4. Tekton

    I was thinking those authenticators...

    The people I know who have been getting hacked have not had authenticators. Are there reports of people with authenticators getting hacked too?
  5. Tekton

    SC 2 guest passes

    I'll take one off someone's hands too if anyone has any left :)
  6. Tekton

    Tips and Tricks: Tracking Item Counts

    Hey all, I've used this trick forever and it's not well known so I thought I'd randomly share... You can make a hotkey that will show you how many of a given item you have. This is handy if you're farming items for faction or whatnot that don't show up in a quest tracker. Here's how...
  7. Tekton

    Counting My Blessings

    Thanks Tots, for giving bags and gold to a level 3 shaman you didn't know from Adam. Thanks founders, whoever you are/were, for creating a space where I can enjoy time with my 9 year old and not worry about what she might see in chat. Thanks Pneuma for leading prayer in chat from time to...
  8. Tekton

    Something here does not add up.

    More info-u-don't-need-to-know™ from Tekton... In most operating systems, time is measured in number of seconds since 1/1/1970. It looks like Blizz isn't properly persisting friends last login time across server resets. It probably defaults to zero (which translates to 1/1/1970). So when...
  9. Tekton

    I'm Published!

    Thanks guys! You can write the editor directly at and they welcome/desire feedback. There's a chance I could go speak at their conference next year about this kind of thing - so please do write them if you liked the article and let them know people want to hear more :) Bill
  10. Tekton

    I'm Published!

    Hi all, I had an article published in a magazine aimed at video game developers about being a Christian in the video game industry and the value & purpose of video games. The magazine is called Gamesauce. The article is called "Conflict and Call" It's a print and online magazine -...
  11. Tekton

    Get to know your Guildees! =)

    Tekton Name: Bill Primary Character: Tekton (1st character on Stonemaul was Tectonik) Age: 39 Status: Married (16yrs), 1 daughter Game Achievement I'm most proud of atm: Loremaster...(when I get it :)) Favorite Class: Paladin Favorite Profession: Engineering PvE Goals: Achievements! PvP...