Recent content by macromaster

  1. M


    Okay first off, the time when the Bible was written was a different time all together I'm sure. And no sarcasm meant when I say this, but video games were not invented during the age when Moses was given the ten commandments. Heck, video games weren't even around when Rome was in control of...
  2. M

    Obama elected President

    Come on folks, let's not argue okay? It happens, they hike up the taxes because they want to make more money. Hopefully Obama manages to do something decent. Let's just hope he doesn't mess with the government too bad, I doubt that their going to be as tolerant about his messing with their...
  3. M

    Obama elected President

    But the tax increase this time may be more...
  4. M

    Obama elected President

    Also, what if Obama's tax plan causes many people who donate hefty amounts of money to lose interest because they are forced to donate more then they are willing to give? Of course we are talking about the organizations who properly use that money. Obama seems to only cater to the common folk...
  5. M

    Obama elected President

    Let's not forget that his tax plan is almost communism. I remember hearing about the days when people wouldn't even look at you for being a communist.
  6. M

    Heaven the Game thought?

    Well I agree on the question about the many views and there being only one God and Bible. As for the convention thing, I think a Christian convention in general would be a fantastic idea. It would unite people more I think.
  7. M

    WoW questions

    I agree with that last statement, people do like to complain purposely, it's worse when they do it just to get somebody fired.
  8. M

    WoW questions

    People like to complain no matter what, if we accept that we can't please everybody then I think the mmo would be a good idea. Some people just like to complain for no reason afterall.
  9. M

    WoW questions

    It would function as a helpful tool for Christians everywhere. It would be kind of like Narnia in a way, teaching the principles of Christ through the medium of MMORPG's. I feel that this would be a good method of educating people about Jesus Christ. It's been an ambition of mine for quite some...
  10. M

    WoW questions

    You know, they need to make a Christian MMO to solve these kinds of questions.
  11. M

    WoW questions

    If WoW was against Christianity, it would mean we'd also have to count final fantasy XI in, as well as a dozen others, including anarchy online. It's much more simpler to think of these games as simple forms of entertainment and nothing more. Now if they start basing it off of real satanic...
  12. M

    Heaven the Game thought?

    The people at my church are open minded about works of fiction like Harry Potter. It seems to me and I'm sure many others, that it is meant to be something to read. What we really gotta worry about are the athiests who want to snub Christian works and create an athiest version of it just to try...
  13. M

    WoW questions

    I agree with you 100%
  14. M

    Heaven the Game thought?

    Doom 3 is not satanic, it's just an updated version of the original Doom games for PC. Doom is a science fiction first person shooter about killing evil things. It's pretty much like half-life, an experiment goes wrong and then the hero has to fix the mistakes (again...). I kind of like how Doom...
  15. M

    WoW questions

    Well, WoW is another story. Not really based on Earth, and everyone in the game uses a spell of somekind. So I'm sure that God won't mind if you play WoW. Now if you're playing a game based on real events, then that's another story all together. Cybersex is still sex regardless, but when you use...