Albea i have a friend and family i told about minecraft that moved out of the USA.Is there anyway i could give you the info on them to quicken the process of getting em on the server faster and apart of TOJ?
I wasnt trying to spit the server up at all just wanted to provide people that are excited as i am about the new stuff a place to play the prereleases instead of playing single player. soon as the game launches ill be shutting down my server so this wont be a problem. It was always suppose to...
From what i gather there is (on a pve server) worlds u can go to for open world pvp. So i take it it will be like Warhammer and rvr lakes, people who wana pvp go in and people who dont stay out. If this is true then id rather play on a pve server. Im guessing that pvp servers will have pvp...
Does anyone know of any plans for a republic guild on a pve server thats part of the cga or toj?? Ive looked and found lions of judah one but there going on a pvp server.
Just to be clear i put up my server for the benefit of everyone. That way we could check out the new updates and stuff. Ive got it running on an old pc at my house. Ive got 2 meg upload and 50 down so i think we have plenty of slots for everyone that wants to play. I was thinking at the time i...
ya i figured that out! i always read about a potion that allows u to pick up spawners and relocate them. it then turns into a pig spawner. Pork anyone?
1.9 Prerelease 4 is out! heres a link for the list of new features updating my server to 1.9 part 4