Better safe than sorry


New Member
I would suggest that we all make sure that we have the latest updates for our computers IE. windows update, adobe flash, teamspeak3 or mumble, and Java for security reasons and you don't want anything to hold you up from gaming. :cool:
Ooh, I forgot I haven't updated my GPU driver. Should probably do that. Then again, things have been working fine, so I don't want to have to spend time doing a revert if things don't work.

A dilemma....

As far as Java goes, forget security reasons. I need to update it so it doesn't interrupt me in the middle of playing. That's gotta be one of the pushiest programs on the planet for popping up and asking you about updating in the middle of something else.
Tried updating my video drivers before the stress test the other day. As soon as I started to log in GW2 warned me it would puke if I kept going. Had to do a System Restore, I lost 20 mins of the stress test between that and chasing the new pup.
Good advice. I can always try to do an update in a week's time, when we're well past the headstart play marathon.
Ya, Ursen, mine was telling me the same thing, something about I needed to update my driver or else it was going to break the game. It looked fine when I was playing though, so I'm not sure what it was freaking out about.
We're buying a wire crate for the pup later today. We will housebreak that silly chi-weenie dog sooner or later.
Definitely keep opening GW2 periodically so it can update. I updated fully just a couple hours ago, and opened it again now and it's got another small update.
Update, flash, wonderful news, the Chi-weenie dog loves his new crate. We set it up, put in a very small, thin chair cushion, added a chew toy and he waltzed right in lay down and started working on the toy. Score a win for a better GW2 environment.